Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Trouble to the streets of London and British police arrest抢torch to torch damage

Trouble to the streets of London and British police arrest抢torch to torch damage

Olympic torch relay Sunday to Western Europe section of a city - London. At the time of this writing to this newspaper, London police arrested at least 36 attempts to obstruct the activities of militants transfer. Although these people along the way to convey a little trouble manufacturing activities, but 80 celebrities have held high the torch run, the public opinion represented by very powerful, reflecting those troublemakers it is a handful of people. Brown, the British Prime Minister at Downing Street on the 10th shuttle torch personally, they convey the meaning is very clear. Prior to the Olympic flame in three cities (Almaty, Istanbul, St. Petersburg) transmission overall very smoothly. These cities have different cultural and political backgrounds in the world have considerable representation. This proves that the world of the Beijing Olympic Games will not like the attitude of some Western media exaggerated so bad. The minority can not represent the voice of the world.
Demonstrators staged farce抢torch
On the 6th of Lunduihan insightful Piaoqi the snowflakes. Wembley Stadium, the British Olympic rowing champion Sir Leidekeleifu time in 10:30 took over the torch, and began approximately 50 km (31 miles) of the torch relay. When he was outside the stadium, many people with a camera for filming, some children chasing torch run. Gathered outside the stadium to watch the torch relay in a large number of people everywhere flying white Olympic flag and red flag of China, but also mixed with some support "Tibet independence" flags and banners. Along the way, the torch via Buckingham Palace, Notting Hill, the British Museum, Trafalgar Square, St. Paul's Cathedral, Tower Bridge, the Thames, and other places, on arrival at Peninsula Plaza, where the opening ceremony held last. Torch relay, including the vessels, bicycles, convertible buses, light rail and other four special transfer mode.
In London, some people would like to take the Olympic torch relay to work for these sabotage activities is no secret. British Sky television reported on the 5th in the Olympic Torch arrived in London said that the torch relay in London will be always accompanied by various types of demonstrations organized harassment, "all the demonstrations organized the torch relay activities regarded as a superior fight for the rights and the opportunity to attract world's attention. " British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) on the 5th quoted the spokesman as saying the British police, the police have identified, including the "Free Tibet Campaign", the six organizations. British "Daily Mail," said the police sent more than 2,000 police officers, spent nearly 1 million pounds to protect the safety of the Olympic torch relay in London and after all the safety of the famous attractions. According to another report, the London police also hired Chinese translation, and to keep that ban insulting Chinese protest banner. • Police for Bob Buluodeheshite that legitimate protest the police would allow, but interference and snatch the torch will be to stop the acts.
On the 6th day, three demonstrators for trying to burst into Wembley Stadium in London and was arrested. In the well-known British TV presenters Connie • Dahuk held in the course of the torch run, a man suddenly rushed before her attempt to rob the torch. According to the BBC's description of the man's hand has touched the torch, but immediately the protection of China Torch staff personnel of the wall separating the men and the torch, British police were pulled out of the crowd wrestled to the ground, and its arrest. Not long after, another demonstrators threw smoke bombs to the torch, but quickly subdued by the police, did not cause a significant impact. Experienced two "incidents", the British police has greatly strengthened the protection work, and an increase in the torch around the police force, a third layer of protection.
When the torch will arrive in Chinatown, has been reported that may not participate in the activities of the transmission to the United Kingdom and Ambassador Fu Ying, China appeared at the scene, she lit the torch went toward the direction of Chinatown. As this torch relay route and specific planning in advance is not particularly clear, there is no news appeared in a television screen, but according to BBC reporters, where the torch relay very smoothly, a lot of Chinese people held flags cheered. When the torch arrived at the famous Trafalgar Square, in the United Kingdom by a large number of people in the two countries welcomed. Many Chinese young people waving the flag screamed, "China, China!" Around 12:45, the torch to the entrance of Downing Street No. 10 Downing Street, British Prime Minister Brown greet the torch, and witnessed the torch was handed over to the next people with the torch.
The move by the demonstrators by the Chinese and British reprimanded the local majority. (To 16) (received on the first edition) of local students, and overseas spontaneous composition paternity running team, has been carrying the national flag with full-range. London citizens Rawls "Global Times" reporter said that although the demonstration is regarded as the "voice of democracy to allow" expression of the way, the British Government has not prohibited, but he and his friends around, especially in the site to watch the Olympic Games Torch all of the British Olympic event on the impact of these moves are despised. The British official from London Mayor Livingstone, the British Government, the Minister responsible for the affairs of the Olympic Games Jiaoweier stressed that the London and the United Kingdom to support Beijing Olympics attitude never wavered. London police official said on the 6th, at the beginning of the torch relay in addition to some minor "accident", all proceeded very smoothly.
Olympic Torch not only fashionable torch wand
Beijing Olympic flame in Kazakhstan, Turkey and Russia smooth transfer. The Associated Press said that the Beijing Olympic torch in Russia when the transfer did not encounter protests, there was no protest against the incident. Russia's "perspective" on the 5th, on the 5th Beijing Olympic torch in Russia's "northern capital" in the transfer process in St. Petersburg, the city the same day 100,000 people spontaneously took to the streets, like the holidays, holding placards and banners welcomed the torch relay. Hermitage Square held a grand ceremony and performances.
"USA Today" on the 6th that the Beijing Olympic torch global groups to protest the transfer of the global concern them the chance. Apart from London, the torch in Paris, San Francisco, New Delhi, and other places likely to encounter more demonstrations. The Associated Press said that the Paris police said about 3,000 police officers responsible for protecting the transmission torch in Paris, the Seine will have patrol boats, helicopters air. "Reporters without Borders" organization responsible person said, the organization does not want the tight security in provoke violent conflict, but in the torch relay along the protest activities.
LOCOG Chairman Sebastian • Division on the 6th expressed the hope that the protest does not become the focus of the torch relay. He said that the sports world in strengthening the communication between the countries and communities than many politicians to do more. "Peaceful protest can be accepted, but I hope people it (referring to the torch relay) as a sport and the celebration of the Olympic values."
"The Times" on the 5th, entitled "Torch Song," the commentary said the Chinese Government in Tibet adopted a "high-handed policy" At the same time, with a lot of space that China, as host of the 2008 Olympic Games, the Olympic Games do not have to fear the voices of resistance. Commented that the Olympic torch is not related to the content of expression in China, but the Olympic Games in their own game and the upcoming fight, the spirit of the athletes. "The Olympic Games are the sports confrontation and dissemination of international friendship, our humanity and solidarity displayed tenacious local." The article said that China, as host of the 2008 Olympic Games will attract a high degree of international attention, the Chinese people must be aware that not all these eyes is the praise and compliments. Western countries, this should also be a display has been proud of its smart and elegant diplomatic means a good opportunity for diplomacy rather than confrontation to the old routine. Olympic torch is not only beautiful torch Haulien trendy bar, it is the flame of burning the symbol of world civilization, it is not extinguished 1 in the world not so bright, but may be permanent darkness.
British "Guardian" published on the 5th, entitled "Why should I when the Olympic torch," the article, the author is the first torch relay in London Leidekeleifu jazz bar. He said that the Olympic Games is a great sport, the spirit of athletes in the court and through the efforts and hard work on the court send out the spirit of the Olympic Games should come to mind everyone. Although the final athletes had to submit to their own country, but politicians should not be used to achieve political objectives athletes, the Olympics is not a solution to political problems.
Minorities should not be violated the rights of the majority
Fudan University, the United States had just returned International Relations and Public Affairs, Associate Dean of the School Professor Wu Xinbo told "Global Times" reporter on the Beijing Olympic torch transfer station in San Francisco, the city council had conducted a debate, different voices in the United States does indeed exist, but the mayor of San Francisco in the debate put it very well - everyone has the right to express his own views, but the precondition is not violating the rights of others, San Francisco is the Beijing Olympic Torch Relay in North America only One leg of the vast majority of people feel this is a very glorious, and they very much welcome the Olympic torch relay and expectations. If the excessive behavior of a few people beyond the normal limits, destruction of the Olympic torch relay event itself, and that is totally ignoring the feelings of the overwhelming majority of the public, the equivalent of the others to express their support for the rights of the Olympic Games. Wu Xinbo said, and no city is willing to see things welcomed by the public in the local damage.
Wu Xinbo in view, the situation in San Francisco and several other Olympic torch relay through the European and North American cities almost. On the one hand, some organizations attempt to impact the Olympic torch relay, including in the other Olympic activities also prepared to provoke incidents, which are pre-meditated, is the need to use Beijing Olympic Games made their own individual political aspirations, it is difficult for them in peacetime find this opportunity, from this perspective, in the Olympic torch relay in the process, especially when Torch pass through them to the local shelter when they do not trouble the other hand, from an accident. But on the other hand, even if the view is used in various kinds of protests of the West, the Olympic Games is a grand sports venues rather than political debate, the overwhelming majority of public awareness is quite clear, and in the Olympic spirit of peace, harmony, unity pursuit, focusing on the peoples of the world, and cultural exchanges, and if individual organizations and individuals undermining the political position of these things, it is an affront to the public preferred. Wu Xinbo, has been successfully completed from several points of view torch relay, although there will be some interference, but, after all, the Olympic Games are extremely strong public support, the Olympic torch relay to take security measures and past the Olympic Games Like tight, flame success of the transfer is not obstructed.

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