Thursday, April 10, 2008

Cat: to help people eliminate the rats were arrested yesterday refused

Cat: to help people eliminate the rats were arrested yesterday refused
Rodent disaster in the district worked hard at the cat, because some residents complained disturbing, and health problems led property management arrest; yesterday, watching helplessly as the yard by the alarm hiding from the cat disappeared, Li Yifu Road King Dongcheng District and many households have had to stand up on behalf of these "heroic" speech. Final agreement can be controlled quantity, but not ruthless.
Catch the cat faction
Luanla chaos urine middle of the night to Guiguijiao
"Caonie very Oh, this two-day yard to the cat-都快was grasping!" For the owners Zhou district property management deal with the "cat from the" not agree with the actions, she said that few days ago, property management posted in the area, "governance notice" for two consecutive days beginning from the day before full yard catch cat, "the cat is not like before and then pro-people, and met with people ran."
At about 12 noon yesterday, the reporter in the area of several residential buildings between Liu Dong a few laps, saw five different color kitten. Some of them Mizhaowen dozing in the middle channel, and some dropped in front of the trash bin above Miaomiao called, and in some cases hurriedly ran the edge of Greenland. According to the property management of the Dongcheng Li Jing Service Jiajingli that these cats are no basic Lord's stray cat, to capture the main reason is because health issues, "a hot weather cat feces cat urine smell it, and sometimes parking spaces , also left animal dung, glued to the car tires are rolling in the way; but also the breeding of fleas, we have been cleaning regularly, was on a red Yaode. "Household Feng mother-in-law also said she just two small Xunxun this year, "this time the cat often Banyesangeng wah aloud, sometimes the crying dolls Jingde."
In addition, Jia Jing Li said that even households using that as a pretext, property management fees in arrears, he had to negotiate with the industry, decided to catch the cat. To this end, Jiajingli also devoted 60 yuan to buy a network and a set of canvas gloves to catch a pair of cats, "now stop the three, one was adopted."
Ting cat faction
Wanted to "falling in love" yesterday when the "heroic" is the scourge
Zhou said the legislation is too reactive cat, and should not be "Chansigoupeng", "before me on the living room to the Apple mice were eating, since the yard and more on the cat much better." Mr Wong also said that his home was fully automatic washing machine is a short bite the mice. Chen downstairs Zhimaoyi mother-in-law to bring mice on the fire, "I sat on the sixth floor balcony, watching helplessly as a Banchi long mice 'miso miso miso' climb up to 4 upstairs to the opposite arrogant." However, these are the things a few years ago, since it was started two years ago courtyard support from the cats, the mice yard now almost disappeared, the cat also Bingjiangmazhuang, now have 30 less. But with the exception of a small portion of domestic, most natural reproduction or outside the Wildcats have become stray cat. Zhou said that the morning before work you do not have to say hello, the cat who will talk to you is, "it is to eat, and sometimes a shout came dozen, as Yanggezi,逗得elderly dolls very happy."
Opposed to capture the cat households generally believe that the recent period is the cat's oestrus evening Jiaojiqing inevitably, over a period like this, the key lies in "the cat Zhuozou the mice want to come to the just." Chen mother-in-law that, instead of catch limit dogs than cats, a district 600 households, no fewer than 100 dogs, "cat Exi know territories covered, but the dog just more chaos everywhere."
To control the number of cats "sense of security"
The rise of the cat has to let this group of district residents feel the horns of a dilemma, is there a better way? Feng creative mother-in-law is suggested: "Better to those of a wild cat ran to sterilization." This Jiajingli difficult to do that: "The majority are spacious release of stray cats, will be done from a number of then came a number of other district, say funding is also a problem ah. "we arguments to debate, finally agreed that these would be able to control the number of cat in the 7 to 8 more appropriate. "We still willing to let these Maomao also can 'sense of security' thiadiazole, MO too much on the law."
So, whether the cat to catch a throw elsewhere on solve the problem? Senior engineer Zhao believes that this is definitely not a good way to solve the problem, once the cat who was thrown into other places, it will certainly will affect the lives of other tenants; Moreover, these are the cat was temporarily moved to other places, based on Survival instinct will definitely re-open food sources, the local bird resources may also be affected, thereby affecting the ecological balance; In addition, the scope of activities of stray cats larger, once carry the virus bacteria, it is possible to artificially expand the spread of the disease. Zhao believes that in addition to small animal protection organization's efforts, the best way is to allow the cat to grow into responsible to the people themselves and not just at random will be interested in the small animals Custody or abandoned.

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