Thursday, April 10, 2008

How many science fiction can become a reality

How many science fiction can become a reality
According to the British "Guardian" reported that the City University of New York Professor Dafujia long "on the impossible physics," the book that stealth operation, the spiritual transmission, time and space travel in the science fiction works of these recurring themes, the same in the future may become a reality, but likely size, timing the speed of the problem.
Mind transmission (teleportation)
★ possibility
In fact, some form of "spiritual transmission" has been achieved, called on the "Quantum Teleportation" exceptional phenomenon, the one photon physicist moved to 89 miles away. From the perspective of physics, described the process: first of all the raw extract information, then the information will be transmitted to the receiver location, the recipient based on such information, select a raw identical with the basic unit (such as: atoms), manufacturing a raw perfect copies.
According to this principle, human beings would like to arbitrary, without a trace "Chixinghuanli" I am afraid we still have to wait a few hundred years. After all, the quantum or quality compared with the photon is a very surprising.
Stealth of (invisibility)
Possibility ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
"Stealth operation" is an ancient dream of humanity, long Dafujia Professor predict that the "stealth Cloak," will soon be in reality, because called "super material," non-natural material for it will bring the greatest possibility .
The so-called "Chaowuzhi" is a synthetic particle composite structure or composite materials with natural materials did not have extraordinary physical properties. Through its control of the molecular structure, we can change this kind of material on the reflection of light, unnatural way to change the light wave transmission line, which is neither a reflection not a shadow to the stealth effect.
Contact aliens (alien contact)
Possibility ★ ★ ★
From the first civilizations started to search for extraterrestrial signals so far, we have inspected about 1,000 star system, although nothing has been found, but we even near the star system is still search End. That is why human contact aliens so optimistic.
Time travel (time travel)
★ ★ possibility
Professor Stephen Hawking of Cambridge University, have spent a very long time that time travel is impossible. He believes that if this is possible, then why do we have never encountered travelers from the future? But he has to admit that physics does not deter us in any theory of time and space travel.
In 1974, American physicist Dipule envisaged construction of a huge cylinder and its rotation, it may be around the twisting of space-time, a lot of access to the past, the "time entrance," you will turn the clock back into dancing. But at least the weight of the cylinder with a sun, and must be installed in a 60 miles long, has a diameter of 40 miles of the yard. This is obviously impossible to achieve.
Perpetual motion machine (perpetual motion)
★ possibility
Perpetual motion machine and predict the future (precognition) and the known physics runs counter to the principle. Dafujia long professor in the book, said: "If the predictions of this phenomenon can be repeated in the experiment is confirmed, this will fundamentally undermine the foundation of modern physics."

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