Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Mysterious male black heart two years, "Shou" to more than 100,000

Mysterious male black heart two years, "Shou" to more than 100,000
A fortuitous opportunity Yuanmou found someone will be forgotten in the bank card in the ATM machine, he quickly approached revised bank card password, and took the cash inside. Yuanmou had resigned from work and embarked on this "to make money," and often in the ATM machine before "Shouzhudaichan." Over the past two years he has won 10 times, others bank card stolen cash over 10 million. At the same time, new Che-hung Road Substation police also received several reports from the masses, this year on March 25, the policemen of the police station is "concentrating on line" Yuanmeidanghuo, at present, Yuanmou suspicion of theft were detained on criminal charges.
Cary others from the 300 yuan
New Che-hung, deputy director of Diaolinchao Road police station, Yuanmou is the Lok Zhiren, University computer graduate, originally Moziqiao a computer company in the work. However, in August 2005 day, Yuanmou Road in the vicinity of the building in front of a bank ATM always exercise caution, incidentally, met her in front of a forgotten will always exercise caution after removal of bank cards, they hurriedly left. Yuanmou try for the cards, the cards are seeing more than 300 yuan cash balance of the echocardiography. He quickly modify the password on the card, then in the other ATM cash machines will be removed.
After a few days, in Yuanmou Kengdaobuan spent, he was worried that someone to come in. Can be a period of time, everything was calm and tranquil. "This money just Deting easy. Sure some people will be forgotten in bank cards, ATM machine." From that point on, he peacetime always exercise caution and pay attention to the ATM machine before the public, and he admitted that from time to time this does not take money Card "Madaha."
A free hand
Two years more than 10 million pirated
After several successful, Yuanmou found that this is a shortcut to make money, he decided to observe a day in the ATM machine, waiting for a "Madaha" appearance. Despite that, "Shouzhudaichan" stupid very naive, but decided to try Yuanmei: Since there are so many people will be forgotten savings card in the ATM machines, why not to try and make a name?
Yuanmou life trajectory therefore change! In early 2006, Yuanmou telling your wife quit work. Each day he would "work", building on the road to the new Che-hung Road, Shuangqiaoshan of ATM machines, such as the former bronze attention to every ATM machine before always exercise caution to the public. Once people found their bank cards forgotten in the ATM machines, he immediately approached, the machine will be your password to remove bank cards, or cash transfers to the inside of the bank for their own cards. This process, as he only needs more than 10 seconds can be done.
In the other man, Yuanmou crime means "technical content" very low, but also very high efficiency. From early 2006 to February 1 this year, he has again succeeded Benbanfa. Civilian police, confessed his crime Yuanmou over 10, more than 10 million were stolen money money, most people once took more than 20,000 yuan money! After each successful, Yuanmei will tell their children full-time at home with his wife "and the company money."
Disguise to play
Mysterious man arrested
However, as one of the Yuanmou succeeded, the police received a report that frequently, forgotten in their own ATM machine cards and bank cards in cash were stolen. After each received a report, the police have extracted the banks of video monitoring carefully inspected. They found that each scene has a mysterious man appeared, but this is the man who in the end? The police know nothing about his identity.
"This will be to the people." Judgement of the police to use their experience, the man will not easily Nuowo. Civilian police mysterious man's image will be cut photographs, secretly distributed to the public security patrol members and some banking security. March 25 this year, when the mysterious man Tidiao beard, hair剪短new Che-hung Road to a bank ATM machine outside the former "Shouzhudaichan" when he was dispatched in the police and bank security Danghuo. After the trial, confirmed that the mysterious man who is Yuanmou, has been suspected of theft to the police criminal detention.
New Che-hung Road police station in the detection process that many victims lost in the bank card, which has been carried out to the bank did not report the loss, and Yuanmou will continue to use these cards for transfers. The police reminded members of the public, first of all, in the ATM machine withdrawals must not forget that after the admission card; followed by bank cards should be promptly reported loss after loss, so they are lawbreakers use, the card owner may create unnecessary trouble.

Simultaneously broadcast
Always exercise caution and good forgot to take the card he also seized the
In the ATM, always exercise caution and take card after forgotten after the call found less 1,000 yuan. 9:00 yesterday, WANG Shi-yuan is this worried, received a telephone call from the banks: "Please return to the police station you lost the card and cash."
Bank cards can be found again, it has to thank the public very fact. Day before 15:30, and her friends arrived at the Shuncheng Street commercial bank money, found in the ATM machine also Chazhao a CCB cards, 1,000 yuan in cash out also, I Cypriots. They immediately went to the police station to reflect Wuhe West, and handed over all the money, police found the owner commissioned.
For enquiries, call 95533 civilian police quickly, and went to the Construction Bank View card customer information and notify the owner commissioned by the bank to bring valid documents, directly to the police station unclaimed. Yesterday 14:30, the public WANG Shi-yuan Wu He came to the West police station, take back the "lost" money.

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