Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Can not afford to eat rice remove the president from office

Can not afford to eat rice remove the president from office
To protest domestic food prices, and some impact on the 8th hungry Haitian capital of Port-au-Prince to the president by the United Nations peacekeeping force in Haiti to disperse. On the protesters also attacked a market, demonstrations turned into robbery. Recent protests have killed at least five people were killed.
Demonstrators shouted their hungry
Demonstrations in protest last week in the southern port city of Les Cayes Haiti, later spread to other cities, Port-au-Prince to the ultimate convergence. Some angry demonstrators on the 8th came to the Presidential Palace in front of the door to the demolition, entered the presidential palace. Attached to the United Nations peacekeeping force in Haiti, Brazilian troops arrived by military vehicles, a crowd of protesters fired rubber bullets and tear gas shells.
Impact of the Presidential Office, protesters shouted "we hungry! He must go!" Slogans to protest domestic food prices, President René Préval asked to step down. The 31-year-old Jiaoeraili is an unemployed. He said: "We Préval is to change the election, but so far没啥change. We tired, we can no longer wait."
Préval aides said, when demonstrators attacked the presidential palace, Preval is inside office. Préval has yet to comment on the protest. Melvin Ely Préval consultant, said: "I feel that the present situation is a bucket filled with gasoline, matches around the handheld crowd. Possible as long as the two meet, then big trouble."
Robbery stormed shops
The impact of the Presidential Office to disperse the crowd of demonstrators, they began looting shops in the vicinity of the Presidential Office. Advantage of the United Nations peacekeeping personnel adhere to the presidential palace surrounded. The Associated Press reported that on the 8th Later, the looting began to spread. Witnesses said people intruded into both sides of the road leading to the airport shops and factories. Be frightened residents locked the door, afraid to go out.
In addition, a group of persons crossing vehicles also besieged, they surrounded the car and tried to pull the driver from the windows will be, but the driver managed to escape. On the same day after the chaos, many parts of Port-au-Prince a 10, the streets full of cement barricades and burned cars, a number of buildings were shattered glass, and some buildings were burned. It has been reported that some of Port-au-Prince street lights control has been implemented.
M eat your cake
Since the middle of 2007, global grain prices rose about 40 percent. As a result, Haiti domestic rice, potatoes and fruit prices rose 50 percent over last year, pasta prices doubled. Haiti basic domestic food rely on imports for the collection of tax revenue and to prevent the inflow of drugs, Haiti implemented a strict customs clearance, but for various reasons, many imported food rot after port backlog, exacerbated by the domestic food prices rose situation.
Food prices soar to unbearable poverty of Haitians, even in a part of the Hungry with soil, vegetable oil and salt caused eat cake. They will be because of hunger caused by the ignition stomach flu than for "eating bleach." In addition, some of the Haitians will be the increase in food prices due in part attributed to the United Nations peacekeeping force in Haiti, they asked the nine thousand soldiers from the United Nations peacekeeping force.
World Food Programme to Haiti this year was 96 million US dollars assistance, and so far has only raised about 15 percent of the money. The bodies on the 7th again issued an urgent fund-raising appeal. Edwards has announced that the Prime Minister of Haiti will spend millions of dollars to reduce the cost of living for the people.
This comprehensive series of articles, Nanfang Dushi Bao
Health food shortages riots 33-nation emergency
The World Bank warned recently that, as food and energy prices six years in a row to reach the highest point, Mexico, Yemen, 33 countries could face "social unrest."
With the global grain prices soaring oil prices, Africa many governments have to face the resulting social upheaval. February of this year, Cameroon in the food riots killing 40 people. Côte d'Ivoire, Mauritania, Senegal and Burkina Faso and other countries since last week because of soaring grain prices caused serious and violent riots. African finance ministers last week after the meeting that the international food crisis "of economic growth in Africa, peace and security posed great threat." In the Latin American region, in many countries the same饱受bread shortages and high prices of hardship.
According to another report, United Nations staff have joined the ranks of protest against rising prices. 7, Jordan in the Middle East countries of the United Nations Relief for Palestine Refugees in the work of the thousands of staff held a one-day strike to demand wage increases to cope with the increasing cost of living.
Hot Spot
High grain prices in Africa is the most injuries
International FAO recently published report, natural disasters, the International Energy prices are rising, and large quantities of food were used in the production of bio-fuels such as promoting international market grain prices rose an important factor. World grain reserves dropped substantially, resulting in the international market grain prices rose. Some countries therefore trigger social unrest, which affected most serious is heavily dependent on food imports from the African continent.
Economists suggested that in the long run, Africa should make great efforts to develop agriculture, the introduction of advanced technology and management experience, will be family-agriculture into large-scale agriculture, enhancing food production, relies heavily on food imports from the situation.
Britain's "Financial Times" pointed out that the rising grain prices, but also because Europe and the United States stepped up call for the development of multi-national bio-energy, resulting in the "food for people and machines." World Bank, grain prices rose 80% in 3, the developed countries people can live frugally, but in the African countries but it can lead to malnutrition and social unrest.

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