Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Strengthening Nuclear Safety Administration for nuclear regulatory Sichuan

Strengthening Nuclear Safety Administration for nuclear regulatory Sichuan
As a "nucleus of the" Sichuan Province yesterday formally established the National Nuclear Safety Authority. In the establishment of the National Nuclear Safety Authority aimed at strengthening the supervision and management of nuclear and radiation, ensuring a safe environment. Held yesterday at the provincial environmental protection work meeting, the Sichuan Provincial Government, the Environmental Protection Department and the National Nuclear Safety Administration for the leadership of the Sichuan Provincial Environmental Protection Bureau gave nameboards, additional Provincial Office for Nuclear Safety, formally announced that the National Nuclear Safety Authority province was set up. In the provincial environmental protection administration departments of provinces linked to the National Nuclear Safety Authority brand, and Sichuan is at the forefront of the country.
Sichuan nuclear safety status of special and important
According to reports, the establishment of the National Nuclear Safety Authority is mainly based on three reasons: since the 1960s, with nuclear technology and electromagnetic technology in the production and livelihood of the broad application, and formed a large number of sources of radiation; Sichuan mainly to the radioactive rare earth companion Mine development and utilization of the nation's second place, a large amount of radioactive material per year of solid waste; the province's development of nuclear power has been included in national development plans, the centre in Chengdu for comprehensive utilization of nuclear energy base is taking shape.
"As public awareness of the continuous improvement of the environment, the environment of the radiation are of increasing concern to the people, especially their pollution complaints of electromagnetic radiation pollution complaints increased substantially. Status quo that Sichuan nuclear and radiation safety regulatory environment is important." According to the relevant Provincial Environmental Protection Bureau The person in charge of Sichuan is located in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River, a part of nuclear technology to the development of components and raw materials production, coupled with the population is large inland provinces, nuclear and radiation safety status of special and important.
Nuclear safety will be at the same time planning and economic development
"Provincial Office for Nuclear Safety was set up, it will further strengthen supervision of nuclear and radiation environment functions duties, to facilitate integration of functions, coordination, and strengthen nuclear and radiation emergency environmental accidents and improve the ability to deal with emergency." Provincial Environmental Protection Bureau deputy director Tian Xie told journalists, after the founding of the National Nuclear Safety Authority, will be mainly responsible nuclear safety, radiation environment, radioactive waste monitoring, coordination nuclear accident, radiation environment Emergency work, and is responsible for the province's nuclear facilities management of the environment, the use of nuclear technology for important units, radioactive and associated radioactive mining enterprises, an important electromagnetic radiation unified supervision and management.
"Nuclear and radiation safety control is national security and social stability in an important sector, the environmental protection department is one of the three functions." Tian Xie said that the establishment of Nuclear Safety Administration is not only Sichuan "nucleus of the" situation and work task, but also the national security needs. He briefed the reporters on the provincial establishment of the National Nuclear Safety Authority, the administrative departments in charge of environmental protection at all levels and their nuclear and radiation safety regulatory agencies in accordance with the law of the SAR core and radiation safety unified supervision and management, and speed up the building of a high-quality nuclear and radiation environment security management team. Province Nuclear Safety Administration will promote the city (state), counties (cities, districts) radiation monitoring institutions and the necessary personnel and equipment for, in order to fully enhance nuclear and radiation environment monitoring capability. Besides, the provincial Office for Nuclear Safety will be the nuclear and radiation safety management of the environment and socio-economic development planning at the same time, the simultaneous implementation, and speed up local legislation, increase investment and strengthen the regulatory capacity-building and accountability.

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