Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Central Propaganda Department "descent" of the people in charge seal

Central Propaganda Department "descent" of the people in charge seal
Central Propaganda Department Ji Bingxuan, executive deputy head of the 7th as secretary of the Heilongjiang Provincial CPC Committee. Ji Bingxuan is the Bai Keming, Xu Guangchun, China's political arena with the Central Propaganda Department and a deputy secretary of the provincial party committee of the curriculum vitae. In recent years there have been a number of ministries or local chief who was deputy director of the Central Propaganda Department.
According to Hong Kong "Wen Wei Po", Ji Bingxuan, served as the 16th CPC National Congress spokesman, in October last year, has 17 large-scale publicity responsible for an important group. Its performance given numerous Chinese and foreign reporters, he was impressed, has also been highly acclaimed.
Ji Bingxuan went to the Heilongjiang take up to succeed this year's "two sessions" promoted vice chairman of the CPPCC National Committee, Qian Yunlu, by the Ministry of Communications Deputy Minister was transferred to the local.
In addition, this year's "two sessions" to become the 11th NPC Education, Science, Culture and Health Committee Bai Keming, has previously served as Hainan, Hebei Provinces secretary of the provincial party committee. In this before 1993 to 2000, the Central Propaganda Department, Bai Keming, a former deputy minister; incumbent provincial party secretary of Henan Provincial People's Congress Standing Committee Xu Guangchun, director, in 2004 to Yu, also vice minister of the Propaganda Department , and the office for almost 10 years.
In the ministries and the State Council, the current director of the State Sport, the Chinese Olympic Committee, the 29th Olympic Games Executive Chairman of the Organizing Committee Liu Peng, and in 2002 he was appointed deputy secretary of the Sichuan Provincial Party Committee, as well as the official propaganda Vice Minister.
Not long ago, he was director of the Information Office of the State Council, former president of Renmin Ribao Wang Chen, in August 2001 to the former editor-in-chief of People's Daily, the Central Propaganda Department is also vice minister of posts, this again concurrently deputy director of the Central Propaganda Department. Wang Chen and succeed as president of the People's Daily newspaper People's Daily editor-in-chief of the original inquest farmers, also has served as deputy director of Research Office of CPC Central Committee Propaganda Department, Deputy Secretary-General.
Part of the new phenomenon deputy ministries more than doubled overcrowding
Industry and the Ministry of Information have seven deputy minister of Human Resources and Social Security, there are nine deputy ministers, usually for 2-4 people
The "two sessions" in China after a new round of personnel changes, has entered basic end, a number of senior officials of the central and local re-appointment.
First of all, "most of" the main characteristics of the State Council's institutional reform package is adopted by the People's Deputies, in the newly formed several ministries, the number of deputies more generally, such as the Ministry of Information Industry and seven deputy ministers are human Resources and the Ministry of Social Security are nine deputy ministers; Environmental Protection Department has five deputy ministers. Analysts said that in accordance with the Organic Law of the State Council, ministries, the number of deputies usually 2-4, but some deputies of the newly formed ministries obvious overcrowding. Some analysts claim that this is because of convergence of considerations, as well as institutional reforms in the early transitional arrangements.
On the other hand, many central and local officials transposition. First, officials of the central authorities and strong sense of the overall situation, and help them to the local policy of the central authorities to implement the other hand, the local officials for many years, the grass-roots and a better understanding of the actual situation, the central government will help on the strengthening of the central policy of realistic significance.
200,000 new developments through competition in the party and government cadres
In recent years, China's system of selecting officials accelerating the pace of reform, a higher proportion of open selection and employment system more democratic
A few days ago, after a live television reply PK competition, Jiangsu Nanjing four new Secretary-designate; days ahead again, Chaoyang District, Beijing, the 22 elected deputy division-level leadership cadres, attracting hundreds of people to list…… 2008 In early spring of China, a more competitive selection methods, and the selection of a larger number, the selection of the more important positions, elected officials followed更浓democratic atmosphere.
"The nomination of the cadre power in the hands of the ordinary people in the selection and promotion of cadres, and examination of the work of the mass line." In the central and local election and appointment of people to further expand democracy, the introduction of the competition mechanism, the broad endorsement of the community. Statistics show that from 2003 to 2006, the total open selection of party and government cadres more than 15,000 people, of whom more than 390 department or bureau level, the county or division level more than 3,800 people through competition in positions of leadership cadres, a total of more than 20 million people, of whom more than 500 of the department or bureau level, the county or division level 28,000 people.
Professor Zhang Rong Chen pointed out that the Central Party School, a series of moves to expand democracy to further expand the selection and vision, and widening the channel selection, enriching the official selection methods, and also to promote the outstanding talent. In this sense, should be adopted, such as competition for elected officials, the significance far beyond its own, and become the inner-party democracy and the people's democratic development to the important.
2004 "The open selection of party and government cadres Interim Regulations" and other regulations document issuance system for selecting and appointing Party and government cadres of the results of the reform was timely and consolidate them in the system. In recent years it has also become the reform of the cadre and personnel system a distinctive feature.

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