Thursday, April 10, 2008

Global grain storage barely enough to eat 8 to 12 weeks

Global grain storage barely enough to eat 8 to 12 weeks
Food and Agriculture Organization appealed to the 9th national leaders in early June will be held in Rome to discuss the global food shortage. FAO officials believe that the global food shortage has been the "emergency" status.
FAO Director-General Diouf said the same day in New Delhi, India, in the face of some countries in Africa and in Haiti, and other countries because of food shortages and price increases caused by riots, "we are really facing a state of emergency."
According to UN statistics, over the past year, the World Food prices rose 42 percent. Currently, global food reserves have dropped nearly 30 to the lowest point. He said, as more and more of the population into urban areas, grain output growth has stagnated, rising food prices, the global grain reserve has dropped to the lowest level since 1980, only 405 million tons, barely enough to the global human consumption 8-12 weeks . He stressed that the rise of grain prices will be the biggest victims of the developing countries, because their food expenditure to total revenue from 50 to 60 percent.
Diouf said that FAO has called on the leaders of 191 members to participate in the June 3 to 5 in Rome held an emergency meeting to discuss how to resolve this crisis.
United Nations specialized agencies IFAD president Lainatebaoge calls upon the Government attaches great importance to food shortage. He said: "People clearly understand that we can not afford to underestimate the food and the importance of food safety."
Cloud United Nations Industrial Development Organization Director-General said that the development of agri-business concern, increased trade is the long-term solution of food shortages Road.
The Asian Development Bank announced this month the "Asian Development Outlook 2008" report said that because of food and oil prices rising, inflation has become Asia's developing economies face important issues. Face of inflation, the Philippines and Cambodia, and other countries of the poverty-stricken population to increase food subsidies, which the Government has brought great financial pressure.
Experts believe that a rise of grain prices and food supply for a number of countries, including natural disasters, as well as some countries as raw materials to produce crops, such as bio-fuels.

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