Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Lies can not cover up evil nature

Lies can not cover up evil nature
March 16, Sunday, Chuanxibeigaoyuan sunshine. Aba county residents shopping, business, and reciting. Nobody expected that a catastrophe in peace and harmony in the sudden arrivals.
Geerde Temple monks suddenly out of the temples, Yong on the street, and some come from the county in different directions confluence of the lawless elements, the implementation of vandalism in the main street burning; the MO, a Seoul, the other temples ATO Some monks, the impact of township party and government organs, vandalism burning…… large number of facts that occurred in Aba Prefecture of this serious incident of violent crimes by the Dalai clique organized and premeditated and carefully planned, from inside and outside "Tibet independence" separatist forces colluded with each other manufactured.
Particularly alarmed by the world to create this violent crime the protagonist, it is contrary to the teachings of some of the illegal Buddhist monks.
Take the lead in the impact the alarm level, the impact of party and government organs take the lead, take the lead in implementing vandalism burning, trampling on state laws and regulations, the Buddhist doctrine was abandoned Geerde Temple monks of the heinous atrocities
Geerde Temple in the north-west corner of the county town of Aba, covers an area of 1.8 square kilometers, with 130 years of history, Aba is the largest Gelug Sect of Tibetan Buddhism in the temple. At present there are at least 1,000 more than the temple monks.
March 14, a very small number of lawless elements in Lhasa, the implementation of the Dalai clique deliberate and careful plotting of vandalism burning violent incidents, is located in Qinghai, Gansu, and Sichuan provinces in the junction of Aba Prefecture of lawbreakers ready to make trouble. Two days later, the incidents of violence have taken place in Aba Prefecture, the initiator of the incident is part of Geerde Temple monks.
At 11:10 on March 16, more than 300 monks Heerde Temple out of the temple, attack, assault is the normal duty police and shouting "Tibet independence" reactionary slogans and distributing reactionary leaflets to the people's police, the armed police throwing stones at the officers and men, homemade Molotov cocktails and other objects, burning crazy vandalism.
One is called Bangze monks in the incident played a major role. The monks involved in the incident Geerde Zahua people accountable, "argued at the end of the day, a monk called Bangze stand up and loudly shouted to a door-to the temples, monks also followed behind him. Chong overseas. "in the procession," see next to a monk holding a 'Snow Mountain lion flags', and I join them held high. " Benguela another Geerde monks who are accountable at the hands of Bangze also cite a portrait of the Dalai Lama.
After the incident, Bangze disappear quickly at the scene, and there is no return to the temple.
Witnesses said the confines of the warning area immediately after the lawless elements to a number of convergence, and the monks from the temple out.
's Liberation Army, armed police officers and soldiers to maintain order in the process of civilized law enforcement, and always to exercise restraint toward the situation and dispose of in accordance with the law. 11:40, the retreat's Liberation Army, armed police officers and soldiers forced into an alley. "They killed! Death!" Mob shouted such slogans. Stones, Molotov cocktails such as the rain hit to the general, despite the protective shield, there are still dozens of the policemen, police officers, were injured and burned. Can my soldiers Cao Tong Street junction in contact with stones by the mob injured head, critically. Aba Country Office cadres Wang Chang-yi, in implementing its mandate in the mob hit in the head by stones.
Immediately, from Geerde out of the temple monks encapsulation not know the truth of the masses, and continue to march in the main streets, shouting reactionary slogans and distributing reactionary leaflets of party and government organs, the implementation of vandalism burned. For a time, beautiful "city merchants plateau" smoke everywhere, and the air was filled with the smell of burning, can be seen everywhere on the streets burning cars and shops, the entire town was shrouded in terror.
Many monks burned directly involved in the vandalism. Monk格登recalled that he was Chongzaicuojianmian, crossed the police line, and shouting the slogan. - Green Pengze lawless elements accountable in the way that they will "burn a Muslim person from the stores, these people have lamas." "One black clothes and handed it to me a shout I Molotov cocktails burned cars, I do not dare, a lama with the past ignited."
15:00, and in some monk's instigation, the MO, a Seoul, ATO and other townships, and gradually solidarity with the nearly 1,000 to the county, and once again the implementation of vandalism burned. River branch townships, and some monks attack Luoerda rural township party and government organs and schools. March 17, four nuns sag along the more than 200 rural counties in contact Tong Street, Centre Street, Bangze Street procession. However, as the armed police, public security forces deployed in place quickly, lawless elements started to transfer target of vandalism and sabotage activities in the county town and burned part of the surrounding townships have occurred frequently. Ankyam, such as four rural Luoerda party and government organs office building were destroyed. Dege, Charles Township in two monks and lawless elements in party and government organs gathered impact events. 7:00 that evening, Jallow township party and government office buildings, supply and marketing cooperatives were burned, the police station by the impact, police were destroyed.
Lawless elements atrocities seriously disrupted social order, and the country and the people suffered a major economic loss. Wing Lap electronics store operators PENG Yong-where since 1990 to Aba Prefecture in the grocery business, after work, 19, and finally to the development now has 10 paved the scale. At 12:00 on the 16th about 10 minutes, some more than 200 thugs with a hammer, horizontal bar in the street-Zhichen, he and the staff quickly shut down the shopping malls. However, they did not expect is that these thugs will use bar malls shutter door prized open with axes smashed appliances with self-made incendiary bombs ignited commodity……
"Hard for 19 years, a twinkling of an eye, but is not what I had." Where PENG Yong-tearful.
Tunyuqinghexiaohaiyun operating Anxian seasonings stores and cosmetics shops thugs with an iron bar Zakai, the destruction of all of the items and stole all their belongings and valuables. "The monk is Xinbo, Buddhism does not kill most speakers, not stealing, and I fully Unexpectedly, these monks would take the lead in doing those things." Yu-Qing Wu said.
Some monks atrocities, including a large number of monks from the Tibetan people and all sectors of society, great indignation. Religious Tenzin said, "This is a handful of people organized and the good life on our destruction, I am a monk, so monks should speak truth, I think that this incident an extremely bad effect." Of the Tibetan people扎angry that do not wish to have similar incidents.
According to statistics, only March 16 that day, on the lawless elements burned 24 shops and two police station, burned 81 police and civilian vehicles, a lot of innocent people and wounded more than 200 government organs and staff , the Superintendent of police officers and bailiffs. Illegal and criminal activities are so rampant, arrogance, poor anger.
Advocating "do not kill, do not Yayan" in the temples, has a large number of firearms, ammunition and pornographic CDs, the law also violated not only the basic teachings of Buddhism
Aba Prefecture occurred in the firing incident of vandalism and bad influence. After the incident, provincial, state, county party committees, the Government attached great importance to the prompt start of Yiwen contingency plans, the timely and efficient stability control situation. To ensure that the people's life and property safety, adopted a series of resolute and decisive measures, arresting criminal suspects 156. March 27, Aba County convened burned severely crack down on vandalism and other illegal and criminal activities focus on the General Assembly, suspected of involvement in the attack state organs, the implementation of vandalism burning, desecration of the national flag, illegal procession, and other illegal and criminal activities of the 30 criminal suspects open addressed: the arrest of seven people, the detention of six people, law and order punishment 17. This approach underlines a strong legal authority, greatly shocked the criminals have won the support of the masses.
Watched Tibetan toothless elderly Dan said, "such a good life, suddenly was damaged. Organizers and masterminds who should be caught. We will never support the party and the government."
However, there are still burning part of the implementation of vandalism of lawbreakers escape. Must be in accordance with the law as soon as possible criminal suspects arrested, the people peace and tranquillity.
At 10:00 on March 28 to 16:30, according to reports Geerde Temple hide guns, ammunition and participation in "16" vandalism burned criminals, the policemen to enter the Temple Geerde verification of a comprehensive clean-up , arresting 26 key suspects, and seized 16 desktop computers, notebook computers 5, a safe and repeated machine, the Dalai Lama portraits 2401, "Snow Mountain lion flags" of other reactionary propaganda materials 332 .
Most people are shocked, "not kill" the basic teachings of the temple, was hiding a large number of firearms and ammunition. The policemen in Geerde Chenghuangmiao Temple, seized 30 firearms (including small-caliber rifle and 16, various firelocks 14), the 498 bullets, four kilograms of gunpowder, knives 33.
Firearms hiding quite skillful. Geerde Chenghuangmiao Temple in the quiet corner of the temple, turning the promenade from over 400 meters, also separated by the middle of a stream. Under normal circumstances, the followers, including monks rarely Sili Chenghuangmiao to. Streamer in front of the gate is shut, guarded only from the right side of the monks living rooms into between, Raoyijuan, hiding firearms and ammunition to enter the house to the left.
Norbu caretaker monk account, the Temple Shou will send him here. When police confiscated these weapons according to the law, he actually said "Living Buddha need to agree."
Have clearly defined our country's legal and illegal possession of firearms and ammunition is unlawful. It is one of the religious activities of the "Buddhism net." Why ignore the law, so many hiding WMD? Is Geerde Temple or purely religious sites?
Also that the broad masses of believers and the masses incredible is that this should be in the net Heerde grand Buddhist Temple, and found dozens of pornographic CD-offensive. In a monk hidden in the room, a beautiful box sets, much as 14 pornographic discs. Room, the one with a cloth covering from the cable TV interface has been led by the walls around the bed, feet a few meters long, hidden next to a bed player.
Tibetologists that Tibetan Buddhism in the development process, and formed a variety of inherent system and habits, which is one of the most important precepts. Wujie the basic precepts of Buddhism, and its content is: do not kill, do not steal, do not Yayan, raving, non-drinkers. Geerde Temple hiding a large quantity of guns and ammunition and pornographic discs after the news came out, the local people shocked. Think that this is not only contrary to public morality, as well as the religious teachings. Some of the masses of believers, said angrily: Cangwanagou temple is not only a disgrace to Buddhism, but also hurt the broad masses of believers, and also as one where the normal religious activities of the Buddhism net?
"Even the basic precepts of religion dare to breach, then they advertised in other areas are those who would dare to believe that?" Local religious figures said that this exposed the Dalai splittist clique and political reactionary, religious hypocrisy, the corruption of life.
The same period, similar to different locations in the violent incidents that these incidents are not accidental or isolated, and its separatist forces behind the black hand
After the incident, the Dalai clique has repeatedly said that they include Aba, unrelated incidents of violence.
Truth? April 1, burning police cars involved in the lawless elements Lamar A's testimony revealed "secrets." His testimony, the participation in the March 16 vandalism burned lawless elements, there are a recently returned from India man. "This person sub somewhat high, long hair, bar root马尾辫said that the Tibetan language, Tibetan language is the standard." "I saw him with stones smashing police cars, police, but also incited a police surrounding the Tibetan people", "I shouted to police he burned," "He also shouted 'Tibet independence' and other slogans."
"A political reactionary, religious hypocrisy and the deceptive practices, the Dalai clique is an important feature." Tibetan cadres Zhimei pointedly said that the vandalism occurred Aba Prefecture burning incident, in form and in content , and Lhasa vandalism burn the same incident. This is not an isolated case, but the Dalai clique meticulously planned, organized violence in an important part of Lhasa with the events echoed a trend.
Within a few days, space, a far cry from the local Why should there be similar to the violence? Is it a coincidence, it is a mere coincidence? On the violent incidents occurred in Lhasa after 23 days, the Aba Autonomous Prefecture of Aba, Ruoergai, and other places also have occurred in a similar incident. These incidents of violence in Lhasa, and echoed the same time, and they also show the characteristics of mutual coordinate. "Flashpoint" still in the net as Buddhism temples.
March 15, Lang wood Siegel Zoige County at the end of the first temple of the monks attack, they took to the streets, chanting "Tibet independence" and other slogans and held "Snow Mountain lion flags" to attack state organs, the shops, and stores , the implementation of vandalism burned the police station. After, the county have occurred in the township of similar incidents. The next day, and Zoige County Lang wood Siegel coordinate with each other at the end of Temple, the Temple of the Aba Prefecture Geerde monks out of the temple, entered the city burning vigorously implemented vandalism and sabotage activities, causing alarming "3 16 "incident.
Lang wood Siegel Heerde Temple and the Temple at the end of the "mother temple," and from the establishment date, this layer relationship has been going on for over 100 years. Geerde Living Buddha Temple and the wood is from Lang at the end of Temple Siegel Later, he fled abroad and become an important member of the Dalai clique. "Through this layer special relationship, it is obvious that led to vandalism burn twice the relevance of the incident." Aba County Bureau of Religious Affairs, responsible person said, the slogan shouting from the content to a series of acts of vandalism burning, an amazingly similar fully demonstrates that the separatist forces outside instigation, the two temples were some of the illegal use of the monks, echoing around, a burning incident of vandalism "source."
This was arrested from a person's testimony Geerde monks, we can find an answer: "Mother Temple are made trouble Temple of inaction, the TAC can not be worse." Another living in Heerde, Cengshe Temple 76 Dan Luo monks to truth, because engaging in separatist activities, in 1998 was sentenced in 2003 to five years. According to his account, in the past temples are read in July and August by the lamas, but earlier this year to March, as early reasons, he said, "is the Temple Management Committee said, the Living Buddha outside Geerde request early this year."
"Fuse" ignited a number of temples responded to the call. Geerde Temple and has close ties with the Gelug Sect of Tibetan Buddhism is part of the temple, the monks lead impact of party and government organs. Jallow in the townships, and to the impact of thugs headed by the monks police stations, killing clamor HOU Chun, director of health, HOU Chun born in the Tibetan people's full protection, before breakout success, to be spared. Freeze, Temple 23 monks besieged Luoerda township government, and its burning fire. Zimmer Temple for 20 monks to incite the masses did not know the truth, the impact of the township government and the implementation of vandalism burning, government institutions, schools flag burning.
Not only that, the monks also come Geerde instigated contact other temples participated in the violence burned in an attempt to magnify the situation. According to the suburbs SEG Temple monks, the same day evening, from Geerde Temple to the three monks, come to the entrance of the temple began instigated them took to the streets, said "we should not Aicou." Results of that, one of the two monks because of SEG refused, the monks were beaten Geerde a meal.
According to a preliminary verification, the county involved in vandalism total of nine burned 1,012 monks of the temple, which has only Geerde Temple 312 people took to the streets burning the implementation of vandalism criminal activities.
Form, means, and are similar to those found in the temple even from the amazing things the same. In accordance with the law of the policemen then Heerde Temple, the Temple Lang wood Siegel other temples started at the end of the verification of the clean-up operation, were found firearms, ammunition, gunpowder and a large number of knives, "Snow Mountain lion flags," and the Dalai portraits, obscenity obscene optical discs for the mass-communications, television receivers and outside fax machines, computers and so on, all strikingly similar!
The same time, in different locations similar violent incidents have testified to these events is not accidental or isolated, and its separatist forces behind the black hand. Dalai clique's so-called "peace and non-violence" is out-and-out lie, by creating violence to split the country purpose nature has been completely exposed.
Plateau still blue sky, bright sun showered Aba town streets, the people's production and life returned to normal. After the storm, people hope for stability, and promoting harmony, and development aspirations of the more urgent!

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