Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Sichuan emergency sniper "Pine Cancer"

Sichuan emergency sniper "Pine Cancer"
Yesterday, the provinces and municipalities Senfang joint law enforcement, search forestry pests such as nematodes. Pine wilt disease is the world's most dangerous diseases of the forest, known as pine "cancer", pines once infected, 40 days can be killed. Nematodes have penetrated several neighboring provinces of Sichuan, a threat to more than 3,700 mu pine forests of Sichuan. At present forest infections have been found in Sichuan nematodes.
"Pine Cancer" surrounded by Sichuan
Yesterday, in a motorcycle Cuqiao warehouse, provincial and municipal law enforcement officers Senfang opened a motorcycle overpack, careful search of the surrounding pine on any anomalies. The new and more than 40 motorcycles, from pine wilt disease affected areas in Zhejiang. Law enforcement officers removed the packaging, with a suspected plant diseases and insect pests of pine, recovering detection.
In recent years, forest plants and their products become more frequent transportation, nematodes, Hyphantria cunea, and other major forestry quarantine pests surrounding areas have been approaching Sichuan, Chongqing, Guizhou, and other neighboring provinces have discovered nematodes against pine. Once the invasion of nematodes, Sichuan more than 3,700 mu of forest would be tremendous damage.
Yesterday, the deputy director of the provincial forestry department announced GUO Heng Hau, Sichuan start "sword 2008" Yungui of Sichuan Forestry phytosanitary special joint enforcement action. Jews as Temple Mount, on the Pine Wood Nematode jointly conducted with the focus on evade quarantine and transporting illegal acts.
Provincial forest pest control and quarantine terminus file deputy head of Yang Zhong, 5 to October this year, the province will also undertake large-scale Senfang law enforcement activities, Chengdu, Deyang, Leshan, Guangyuan, Panzhihua, Suining, and the cities of Ya'an must swing into action. To be set up in the leading group of pine wilt disease prevention and control, involving forestry, transport, electricity, telecommunications, postal services, and many other departments, coordination of the "pine cancer."
"Pine cancer" endangering pine
In recent years, China from the United States, Japan and South Korea, import wood packaging materials intercepted in the hundreds of nematodes.
Provincial forest pest control and quarantine terminus senior engineer Lingze red, pine wilt disease spreading to China in Nanjing in 1982, in a short span of 10 or more years, have been in Jiangsu, Anhui, Shandong, Zhejiang, Guangdong, Hubei, Hunan and other provinces disaster occurred. At present, the State Forestry Administration released information indicating that the country has 14 provinces, 157 county-level administrative region in pine wilt disease.
Most parts of our country is suitable for pine wood nematode, which South China 5 million mu pine and Huangshan, Mount Lushan, such as Zhangjiajie World Natural and Cultural Heritage, the scenic area pose a serious threat to ecological safety.
Early this year, the State Forestry Administration Senfang terminus held in Beijing pine wilt disease prevention and control expert forum. March of this year, the State Forestry Bureau has issued "on the prevention of the spread of pine wilt disease emergency notice," said South freezing rain and snow disasters pine wilt disease in the majority of Lodging and pine trees growing decline, a substantial increase Yimu cleaning up the workload, and may trigger a brown pine beetle population density is increasing rapidly.
Pine manufactures portable nematodes
Provincial forest pest control and quarantine terminus Lingze Hung, Senior Engineer, close communication, relying mainly on beetle carrying nematodes, adult nematodes only about 1 mm in length, but in a beetle, has been found Up to 300,000 nematodes. Mainly rely on long-distance communication with people transporting infected (with pine wood nematode Cerambycidae) seedlings, pine wood, pine and pine crates, and other products.
Parasitic nematodes from beetle feeding into the wound caused by the pine branches organization, parasites in the resin Road, a large number of trees throughout the post-breeding, causing catheter obstruction, pine LOCA, transpiration decreased dramatically resin secreted reduced and stopped.
China's quarantine regulations prohibited from affected countries and regions imported pine seedlings, Scion, from the affected countries and regions softwood logs, wood products, wood packaging materials quarantine. From the affected countries and regions wood packaging materials sampling, and nematodes in the laboratory, the separation, identification, once found that nematodes should be immediately taken heat treatment of wood packaging materials, destroy or return address .
It is worrying that the "pine cancer" of the pine wilt disease is step-by-step approximation Sichuan, once the invasion will Sichuan large pine trees were severely affected. Sichuan Province has developed a rule of pine wilt disease prevention in addition to contingency plans. Province Senfang specialists called for units and individuals found any suspicious epidemic, and immediately contact the local inspection and quarantine departments.

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Pine Wood Nematode
Origin in North America and later spread to Japan, South Korea, Portugal and other countries, in Japan, causing serious pine trees died. Once infected pines, the fastest around 40 days can wither, 3 to 5 years is causing widespread deforestation vicious disaster.
At present all countries in the world have not yet found a cure plant diseases and insect pests such an effective way. Pine wilt disease is also known as "pine cancer."
Identification Method
If it is found that a yellow pine needles, and quickly to Chihese pine wilt from discoloration to death, only about two months time, not a long-term water shortage, drought and man-made mechanical injury, may be a line of pine wood infection, experts do need professional testing.

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