Friday, March 07, 2008

Psychologists and counselors difference?

Psychologists and counselors difference?
That the professional can tell me the difference between them and nature? For the treatment of mental diseases (social phobia) Who better? That choice will be a low cost? Thank you!
Psychologists and counselors difference
One difference: a different nature. Of the two different psychiatrists who are studying medicine, also at the medical school of medicine and psychiatry in general, they set up special wards of the treatment of mental patients and the doctors of psychiatry there are also part of the learning psychology, so this segment of people known as psychiatrists, and the latter is psychology, engaged in the industry to the social services category.
The difference: different groups. Psychologist major mental illness and the treatment of mild and non-mental patients but people with psychological disorders. The latter mainly to resolve the health crowd psychological problems.
Three distinction: It is not right to have prescriptions. Psychological doctors to prescribe the right medication can give patients, and psychological counseling division of the medication.
Feature articles: What kind of work?
Industry Characteristics: because every day will see a lot of psychological help-seekers, or such as listening to the story of a confused, and counseling conversation. Those stories inferior to the confidentiality of bank accounts. If encountered in the streets of the Advisory past, the response of the Advisory bow may know the way, counselors fully understand this mentality.
Fees: hospital out-patient within 40 minutes general charging 30 yuan. And the relatively high level of personal psychological clinics charge an hourly rate from 150 yuan to 700 yuan from the Advisory different division, consultant different, "Xinlingjishang" on different price.
Salary treatment: Top career is not necessarily high-income occupations. In western countries, the better psychological counseling high income division. In many domestic situation worse, psychological counseling doctors are doctors, doctors enjoy the treatment, do some part-time consulting revenue may be more. And some bad clinics, a psychological consultant at the same time also offering other related work to make ends meet.
Quality Requirements: psychological counseling is a highly professional practice, the need to remove certain professional knowledge, it requires a lot of practice and advice deeper personal life experience, because there was no medical or psychological advice is ultimately faced with a division of , the Advisory, instead of books, laboratory.
Occupational principles: psychological counseling is a special way of helping others. Most circumstances to touch people's minds privacy, confidentiality is so psychological counseling division should abide by the basic principles of the work. Were reluctant to speak on the advice of privacy, can not intervene, only teach them some muscle relaxation, Mingsi all static methods to meet their needs.
Counselling skills: the more questions than evaluation; more discussion and less; ask: "What do you think? What do you think?" Less: "You listen to my right." That is because the ultimate goal of psychological counseling is to help people help themselves. In psychological counseling, first and foremost, we have learned how to master the principles of listening. Listening is well-intentioned, the mind that is to establish the basis of friendship. This is also an important means of venting feelings.
Pressure chapter: Each faces are behind the mystery
Have any pressure, especially dealing with different people and to enter the inner world of people professional psychological counseling, and its practitioners are facing greater pressures, but in comparison, the psychologist than counselors face an even more great pressure.
Psychological Counseling Division
The main source of the pressure: on how to enhance their own experience and knowledge level, the level of pressure from their own will be converted into power.
Serious consequences: psychological counseling misconduct, and this tends to counseling more psychological problems intensify the undoing will suffer from more serious mental illness.
Self-help approach: analysis, judgement made on the difficult issues, not with personal sentiments and values. Psychological counseling will not be the savior. And to exercise their life in the same social environment, on various issues also have their own views, values and emotional tendencies, if not pay attention to, we will not consciously will their emotions and values into advisory relationships. Therefore, the counselors must do self-analysis, which recognize their weaknesses and biases, will they be able to objectively analyse the problem, to understand clients to enter their inner world.
The main source of the pressure: as obsessive-compulsive disorder, depression various diseases, coupled with the disease because of the different levels of illness is divided into various levels, with the types of people to the formation of countless combinations, so every to a person is a mystery, one that we need to untie the answers.
Serious consequences: lead incidents, there will be serious life-threatening.
Their own damage: every day is very frustrating to hear things, it will not pleased. Daily home very depressed and did not want to speak. Sometimes feel that they have psychological problems.
Self-help approach: shielding, through its own isolation regulation play some role. Adjust the way, there are different types, for example, take a walk, chat with friends, running through the different ways to their own digestion.
Prospect article: promising future psychological counseling
Status: At present, China's psychological counseling industry employees more than 400,000 people from 1986 to the present, the industry has been in a wide range of areas, the varied non-professional status.
Prospects: In the United States, has a per thousand counselors, psychiatrists have become one of the best career.
According to a survey, there are at least 190 million Chinese people in their life need professional psychological counseling or psychological treatment in China's 340 million young people, all kinds of learning, emotional and behavioral disorders, and other mental health problems had reached 30 million people. Concerned that psychological counseling as a psychological provide effective assistance of professional activities, modern society is an important occupational fields.
This year, the National Labour and Social Security Ministry, the Joint China Mental Health Association and the Chinese Psychological Society, Beijing announced that it had formally launched psychological consulting division national vocational training to be qualified for identification, and in 20 provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) began conducting the trial, psychological consulting division induction will be the holder. After psychological counseling division team after the purity of the industry was optimistic about the prospects.
Induction requirements: in Europe and the United States, psychological therapists often have medical or psychology degrees, after graduating from 4-8 in a certain type of psychological treatment, specialized training, in order to become eligible for the entire corresponding division.
According to the latest "standard," the division of occupational psychological counseling certification is targeted mainly non-medical staff in the professional psychological counseling, these people have gone through vocational training and examination, can be issued by the National Unity psychological counseling division "professional credentials" , which was "counselors" qualified professionals, they must work under the supervision of experts more than three years before an independent practice, as can be for the creation of the same foreign-profit or non-profit psychological counselling centres (or psychological clinics).
Forecast the future status: With the fierce competition, for example, special forces, athletes, film and television industry, and other industries have have different needs, and this in the white-collar workers, particularly students will appear. According to industry estimates in the near future, a number of new posts will have emerged, including business mental health consultant, student mental health professional consultants, the form may also be a full-time part-time.
Proposed articles: psychological problems who should go?
Since psychologists and counselors have very different from what it should be time to see psychiatrists, and when should we look at psychological consulting division? Experts recommend: mild mental illness and neuropathy, a compulsive disorder or depression, or when you feel helpless long, hopelessness, sadness, depression, and feel that things get worse, often at the brink of collapse, emotional obstacles and obviously Abnormal Psychology should see psychiatrists, psychologists If confirmed belonging to the non-mental patient, then can look at the psychological consulting division. Those who have general psychological problems it is better to look at the psychological consulting division.

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