Friday, March 07, 2008

Let you venture failed 18 Hunqiao

Let you venture failed 18 Hunqiao

Let you venture failed 18 Hunqiao
Paul Graham of the following list, which is a summary version of the text, see translated statement:
A loner (Single Founder)
What is the founder of a single problem? At the very least, this reflects a lack of confidence. The implicit message is that the founders could not convince any of his friends with him Datianxia. This is worth pondering: Do not forget, his friends is the most understanding him.
Lack of geographical 2 (Bad Location)
Not all are suitable for local entrepreneurship. …… Why some cities will become places where start-up companies? This a very interesting question. I think the answer to the industry and in other similar conclusion: because it brought together a large number of professionals. Where high professional standards; people on the things you have done more easily generate resonance; you can more easily find the person you want to employ; more developed peripheral industries; you have more opportunities to meet with you in a people in the field, and so on, and so on.
3 narrow field (Marginal Niche)
Y Combinator application to the wind for the team, the majority have committed a common error: In order to avoid competition and deliberately choose those who are narrow-minded, very Lengpi areas. …… I think that the difficulties that we encounter a major retreat on the move, people are often made in the subconscious. This is a great do you have decided to pursue the idea of a smaller but more secure different objectives, in the subconscious, because you refused the idea. Solve this problem is to pretend you are for others and not for themselves planning. Think about it, what good idea for a person to conduct business?
4 has stolen others' ideas (Derivative Idea)
If you look at successful start-up companies, very few people had made from imitation. Their inspiration came from where? It is usually found founder of a number of specific issues have not been resolved. …… Not to copy the Facebook, in the above do piecemeal work you should forward the other direction to explore inspiration. Also not subject to the impact of the existing companies to speculation their Lingfan; you should try to find the unresolved issues, and ideas about what kind of company can resolve those issues. [2] You need to understand that people look forward to complain about what and what?
5 closed mind (Obstinacy)
In some areas, success means you need to look for and what do I want to insist in the end, no matter what setbacks. The venture is another matter. If you want to win an Olympic gold medal, then you should be insisted goal, and never give up, because your goal is very clear. However, more like a business engaged in scientific research, you should follow the law of nature rather than subjective assumptions.
6 Ourenbuchu (Hiring Bad Programmers)
When I back the closures of the 1990s who e-commerce startup company, but found that it is bad programmers to destroy those companies. Many companies are from the business sector established by the staff. They believe that a start-up company that is a good idea, and then a group of programmers employed to achieve it. This is easy to do in difficult. These commercial areas of personnel are not able to distinguish between the quality of the programmer. They even can not reach the best programmers, because no procedures to achieve willing to master the concept of a businessman.
7 development platform selected misconduct (Choosing the Wrong Platform)
Shen and you must not inadvertently chosen platform. Some platforms, foreign firms, it seems that it is a very good and very responsible choice, as the 1990s Windows the same once you choose them, tantamount to Zijuefenmu. Java applets is probably the most typical example. It has been that launch applications in new ways. The result is that this convinced 100 startups, there are 100 were destroyed.
How to choose the right platform? The usual approach is to move more good programmers to choose. If you are not a programmer, there is a small Tip: top computer department visited to see if they are used in research, what.
8 release retardation (Slowness in Launching)
Released as soon as a goal is to force you to complete the work should be completed. A software, as long as no release, is not really complete. Whether you think this has been how to improve the software at the Pro release that the total there is still a lot of things to do this is already a common occurrence. Another purpose is released only through user feedback, you can really understand what to do.
9 released prematurely (Launching Too Early)
If you want to release the same products, minimum requirements, what is it? We propose to start their own companies to seriously consider what to do is to identify the core content of these core elements can be not only useful in itself, but also can serve as basis in the above gradually expand into a complete project. Once identified these, it should complete them as quickly as possible. …… In fact, you need to move those early testers are being very tolerant. They are not looking forward to a new release of the product omnipotent, but how much it should be somewhat useful.
10 without clear objectives users (Having No Specific User in Mind)
If you do not understand users, it is impossible to make their favorite things. I have mentioned earlier that the majority of successful start-up companies are to resolve the problems encountered by the founder began. There are such a rule: the wealth created by you is with your understanding of the issues proportional to the degree of, and you know that your problem.
But there are still many founders, like the assumption that there are some users are willing to use their products, as these users will be who they are not very clear. Founder who need these products? No, they can not be regarded as target markets. Who is then? Young people? Interested in the activities of the local people? Or commercial areas of user? What kind of commercial areas? Filling stations? Film studio? Buyer or military?
11 funds raised too little (Raising Too Little Money)
Startup funding is used to measure the time. Each has not yet profitable startup companies (almost all of the startups in the beginning can be profitable) in the money-will be some time before. Sometimes during this period of time has been called "runway" (runway). This is a very good analogy, it reminds you, when you spend the time-either takeoff or destroyed. Too little money means that you do not have enough runway to take off.
12 spending excessive (Spending Too Much)
Dollar most classic way is to employ a large number of people. Do you have a double injury: not only increase costs, and slow down the speed. …… For strokes, we have three basic recommendations: (a) to avoid; (b) by replacing the shares wage, it not only save money, but more importantly, you hope that your people are willing to own with the interests of companies linked to the interests of the people, (c) the move should be limited to two types of people, or writing code, or pull out, because the first time, you only do two things.
13 funds raised too many (Raising Too Much Money)
For a wind once said, "Once you took from my millions of the funds, then the time began." For the wind you have to invest your money is not on the day in the bank and then bubble bowl noodle They hope that the money spent on work. At the very least, you have to have a decent office, as well as some staff. This will change your work environment - is not necessarily beneficial to the direction of North Korea. Now, the majority of men you are your employees, rather than co-founder. They can not like your input as they need someone to tell them what to do; Worse still, some people will begin play those Maoni office.
14 constrained by investors (Poor Investor Management)
As the founder of the company, you should grasp the investors. You should not overlook them because they may provide insightful recommendations. But you can never have they delivered their operations; it should be your responsibility. If investors for the operation of their investment firms have enough insightful, it Why they do not own the creation of a company?
15 (non-existent) profit at the expense of users (Sacrificing Users to (Supposed) Profit)
It is precisely because people need to make one thing more rare than to make money, so you should later consider the question of business models, like you and some minor trouble for the second edition of the same functions. In the first edition, address the crux of the problem. For start-up companies, the crux of the problem is how to create wealth (= the extent to which people need your product you need * the number of products), rather than how to wealth into cash.
16 Zimingqinggao (Not Wanting to Get Your Hands Dirty)
If you want to set up a company, we must face the fact: You can not just sit there writing process. At least you have the need to spend a certain amount of time in the commercial above.
17 internal strife (Fights Between Founders)
Founder of the struggle between surprisingly common. …… If the founding fathers to be more cautious in choosing their business partners, then most of the disputes can be avoided. Most of the quarrel is not something with the sky, but the person the sky. That is, sooner or later this will happen. And most leave because of quarrels and the founder of huff, from the very beginning, may be a lack of confidence, but the cover up. Do not hide your worries. Before the establishment of the company to resolve the problems should be much easier to swap. Therefore, we must not be afraid of alienating your cellmate and pulled him to his occupation; because a person should not have some useful skills together in companies, and whether you do not like him-hi. A start-up company, the most important factor is, we should not in this above what will.
18 can not be a full-time inputs (A Half-Hearted Effort)
Statistically speaking, if you want to avoid failure, a very important thing is to quit your day-to-day work. The failure of the vast majority of start-up companies, its founder belong amateur nature and the successful start-up companies, founders are heavily in the property flutter above. If the failure of the start-up companies than for the disease, the Centers for Disease Control will be posted a notice warning people quit day-to-day work.

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