Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Bieluan burning straw into biscuits to fuel pressure

Bieluan burning straw into biscuits to fuel pressure

It has been the practice, and the annual spring and autumn, the farmers will usher in a peak of burning straw. In large areas of crops and straw burning in the flames, not only polluted the air, but also a waste of energy.
In fact, there are four major combat straw "magic weapon" It is particularly worth mentioning is that the straw will produce hard tack innovative fuel. Yesterday, the deputy director of the Office of Yanxiaowei Straw said that this is an innovative technology. Last year, we and the British company BP in Shuangliu County Jinqiaotian experimental work carried out, good results. This year, the city will be carried out within the scope of the promotion.
Yesterday, reporters also learned from Funongwei, around the end of this month, another of the ban on burning straw. Where large areas in the open burning straw and serious cases to the units and individuals, will be below 200 yuan of economic punishment.
Burning consequences
Air pollution affect traffic
According to the atmospheric Office with a group of data: 2005 ~ 2007, the Centre City air quality straw were burned because of pollution, of which 2005 have 12 days to minor contamination, two days mild pollution, one day moderate pollution, 2006 in four days minor contamination, in 2007 there five days a slight pollution.
According to the provincial observatory meteorological experts, located in Chengdu Plain, once encountered surrounding pollution in the air and impurities City Centre will also gathered. Individual local burning straw and will allow condensation nuclei in the air increase, a big range of minor contamination, which affects the air quality in urban centres.
"I remember in the late 1990s, the annual straw burning season, all eyes Zhengbukai." City Environmental Protection Bureau, a rural-name experts said, "will have a tremendous burning straw smoke and dust, and sulphur dioxide emitted, a direct impact on air quality. addition, the straw combustion will reduce visibility, affecting highway vehicle access, airport flight delays, and so on. "Before every May, Shuangliu Airport in many air sorties generated by burning straw for reasons beyond the normal smoke landing. Last year, May 10, as farmers burn straw night, Shuangliu International Airport runway visibility was reduced to 500 meters, the normal take-off of the lower 50 meters, which launched the emergency system to the second category Blind drop guarantee the normal operation of flights .
Four initiatives
Lane straw recycling -
Straw, deputy director of the Office of Yanxiaowei said that about 10 years ago, the city issued Jinshao and began to promote the protection of paddy cultivation technology, comprehensive utilization of straw have been for the peasants to find a good way to use straw, farmers burning straw substantially reduced.
According to the Environmental Monitoring Centre for a group of stations to provide data: 2005 Chengdu excellent air quality days to 303 days, 2006 311 days, in 2007 amounted to as many as 319 days this year Chengdu "blue sky" The goal is 311 days. Chengdu's air quality is better than year 2001. Yanxiaowei to reporters, "blindly 'blocking' is not able to fundamentally ease, but also to combining guidance with the way farmers raise their awareness of environmental protection, abandoned the traditional straw transform the availability of resources." City through the adoption of effective measures to implement the comprehensive utilization of straw and turn waste into.
Measures 1: rice fields of conservation tillage, no-tillage soilless cultivation techniques. Straw will be on the field, then sprinkled to maturity of rotting straw into fertilizer. Adoption of this technology, increase soil fertility and improve soil structure, but also can save fertilizer. Allegedly can increase rice harvest nearly 20 percent;
Two measures: Straw do livestock feed. Straw development through the circular economy. Straw used cattle, cattle raising earthworms, feed earthworms do, and promote crop growth;
Three measures: Straw will be used in agricultural production, and for other crops cover and the base material;
Four measures: Straw will also smash Tin, Straw also can be made of new wall materials, and so on.
New tactics released
Hard tack innovative fuel
With the burning of straw "operations", yesterday Yanxiaowei also disclosed to reporters in Chengdu is an innovative technology pilot. "Straw will produce hard tack innovative fuel." He told reporters, "Last year, we and the British company BP Jinqiaotian Shuangliu County in the hard tack straw fuel-pilot, received good results. Traditional combustion can be rate from 10% to 40%, burning more fully. processing a ton of straw and fuel costs only 300 yuan this year, the city will be carried out within the scope of the promotion. "
The reporter saw this innovative energy and hard tack and finished appearance similar to the one with the nose Wen Wen, a Pubi from aromatic plants. Yanxiaowei excitedly said: "The development of scientific research and technology has been achieved good results, the burning of straw will reduce the air pollution, waste straw without energy. Promotion in the city is expected later this year, the long-standing problem of Straw will be further resolved. "
Burning ban
Sentenced to 200 yuan the following punishment
It is understood that, Funongwei is actively burning straw on the drafting of a more systematic response and management measures. End of this month, will once again issued Chengdu straw burning ban: in the fields, the concentration of population, around the airport, roads and public places near the open burning of straw to the units and individuals from burning straw supervision and management personnel ordered to stop violations, aggravated (10%-burning), the following shall be liable to 200 yuan of economic punishment. If the environmental pollution caused accidents or fires, from environmental protection, public security departments in accordance with the relevant provisions of punishment.
In addition, journalists from the City Environmental Protection Bureau was informed that the City Environmental Protection Bureau has begun work on this year's "straw scheduling table." Mention straw burning, the EPA staff will be reminded of the busy harvest season. "Not only farmers busy, we are busy." Before the annual harvest, the EPA will advance preparation for deployment. "Straw mentioned the word, and it seems kind of bad smell of smoke." City Environmental Protection Bureau, a rural staff said.

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