Tuesday, April 08, 2008

1 hour physical training Zuosha parents

1 hour physical training Zuosha parents
Yesterday, Chengdu Education has drawn up a "letter to all parents," the letter published in the primary grades to high school physical education classes several counterparts, hope that parents supervise students for family sports operations, and inform a number of small stickers Physical Exercise disabilities. Parents received letters, it is necessary to sign the acknowledgement alone, and put forward his "one hour physical training" views and suggestions.
Students physical exercise one hour every day in Chengdu has been implemented for a period of time. Urban Investigation Team, but recent surveys households and education, sports public investigations found that some schools did not meet the requirements of one hour, parents of students in school physical training time concept is not very clear. Therefore, the Chengdu Bureau yesterday issued "on the further implementation of primary and middle school students one hour a day of physical training time notice", requiring the school will be time to notice physical exercise in the form of a conspicuous place on the campus of publicity.
According to the "Regulations on the Work of School Sports", the students one hour a day, including physical exercise time sports Kejiancao (the Kejian sports), and other physical training classes. According to the new curriculum, primary school physical education grades 1 to 2 per week 4, 3 to 6-year physical education weekly 3, 1 to 3-year junior high school physical education a week three high school physical education grades 1 to 3 week 2 Festival. In the absence of physical education in learning the day, schools need to arrange a physical training class, according to the situation and appropriate arrangements, such as extra-curricular sports operations, ensuring that the students one hour a day physical training time.
Schools should strengthen their communication with parents of students, in the regular monthly school students to participate in sports and physical exercise classes Kejiancao the situation in writing to the parents.
On the schools to carry out physical exercise, the Department of Education will organize relevant departments and personnel carried out regularly with the non-specific examinations. City Department of Education has also called on all levels of education-related executive departments and schools, through certain occasions and forms, open to the community, students and parents to make a commitment to ensure students every day in physical exercise time. At the closure of physical education and conscientiously implement daily physical activity time students the school principal leadership, admonishing the first time a conversation, if we continue to be implemented, will be removed from his principal duties.

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