Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Sichuan vegetable markets throughout the dynamic 03-05

Sichuan vegetable markets throughout the dynamic 03-05

Today, four in Sichuan on vegetable oil factory Price 16600-16800 yuan / ton, price increase 100 yuan / ton, Chengdu 16600-16800 yuan / ton, Deyang region 16600-16800 yuan / ton, and funding 16600-16800 yuan / ton , Guanghan 16600-16800 yuan / ton, Mianyang 16600-16800 yuan / ton, Nanchong 16600-16800 yuan / ton, Zigong 16600-16800 yuan / ton. Back in the domestic rapeseed years ago has been basically suspended, the vast majority of the current domestic production of oil plant at full basic state, not vegetable oil output, but since the rapeseed listed after more than eight months of consumption, the total supply of vegetable oil volume has been little more emotional indisposition to sell rich, and the number of late rapeseed imports did not reach a certain size, can not be more tension to domestic vegetable oil market too much of the impact of the relatively tight supply has to support the next 5, June rapeseed new listing, manufacturers shipped mentality better, and some continue to limit shipments.

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