Monday, March 03, 2008

acupuncture banting Interview: Facing acupuncture experts and you lose weight

Gradually over the past winter, take off the heavy cotton, it was also found that accumulation of a lot of fat, many diseases caused by obesity, weight reduction has always been issues of our concern.
Recently in clinical acupuncture to lose weight to the effect has already been recognised, and many people also have discussion, but why acupuncture can be slimming? Whether they are suitable for acupuncture weight loss? In fact, many people still do not really understand. With these questions in mind, we interviewed subsidiary Nanfang Hospital, Southern Medical University, Wang, director of acupuncture or Professor Xu. Talk experts: Southern Medical University Hospital acupuncture South Xu Wang Sheng, director of physicians and professors.
About experts
Wang Sheng Xu Nanfang Hospital Acupuncture Orthopedics Department Director, Professor, Director of physicians, doctoral tutor. PLA acupuncture, vice chairman of the professional. Major study of acupuncture treatment of chronic neck pain and Waist-Leg cerebral vascular accident, traumatic brain injury sequelae. Clinical launched Hua Jiaji points electroacupuncture treatment of cervical disease, the third lumbar transverse syndrome, spinal lumbar disc herniation症等related pain, a series of studies of acupuncture weight loss, acupuncture away Kaiqiao promote sustainable post-traumatic Xingnaojing vegetative state clinical research. From the army medical achievement award a second, and third prizes 1. More than 30 academic papers published articles, published two monographs.
Experts of the hospital: Southern Medical University Hospital South.
39 Health Network Editor: Many people would like to try acupuncture weight loss, but there are certain doubts, a small Silver Needle, the effect of weight reduction can be attained? Whether acupuncture weight loss through what works?
Wang Sheng, director of Asahi: the mechanism of acupuncture slimming relate mainly to the following aspects:
1, Tone, gastrointestinal function.
Gastrointestinal conditioning reflected in the majority of the combined effect of decreased appetite and stool patency of these two changes, we know that many of the causes of obesity, it is because the intake too much, so the conditioning of gastrointestinal function very slimming effect. Not so eat anything, but this is a lot of acupuncture slimming of the phenomenon can be observed, because acupuncture can extend the gastric emptying time, it could have been compared hyperthyroidism appetite suppression, or even declining. In addition, but also to improve intestinal function. For example, some constipation in the process of acupuncture weight loss, intestinal peristalsis is strengthened, and also strengthened the role of excretion, which are intestinal acupuncture can enhance the result of the role.
Second, improve the body metabolism.
Here's metabolism, including glucose metabolism and fat metabolism. Acupuncture can increase metabolic rate, increase the body burn fat, so as to achieve the purpose of weight loss, and many obese people have metabolic function of the obstacles, some fat metabolism, glucose metabolism some obstacles in the acupuncture process, we can see that metabolism improvements, such as diabetes, hyperlipidemia patients in the acupuncture process often illness can also be adjusted.
Third, improve the function of the endocrine system.
Many occurred in adolescent obesity, and post-menopause stages of this, especially women, are several stages of this very dramatic change in the endocrine time. Acupuncture weight loss in the process, many accompanied by Irregular Menstruation, the symptoms of amenorrhea women, in the process of weight loss and not directed at the treatment of these symptoms, but often through acupuncture, can improve the original symptoms, which are the result of improved endocrine .
Acupuncture treatment of obesity, is mainly through the work of these three areas.
39 Health Network Editor: So the object of acupuncture to lose weight? Obesity is not all can be used acupuncture to lose weight?
Wang Sheng, director of Asahi: Many obesity, are associated with modern lifestyles, such as the intake of too much, too little movement, acupuncture weight loss on the above simple obesity causes more obvious effects. Simple obesity is the result of more than energy intake and energy consumption caused by obesity, there is no specific etiology cause. Clinical use of acupuncture to lose weight for women, by age, the more adolescent women, postpartum women obese, or in the elderly (45-50 years old crowd around menopause), relatively speaking, treatment of childhood obesity treatment of relatively small.
In addition, there are many diseases caused due to obesity, such as excessive use hormone drugs, such as hypothyroidism, these are not simple obesity, acupuncture can be such a pathological adjuvant treatment of obesity, but more importantly, it is necessary to Etiology treatment.
39 Health Network Editor: Well, acupuncture slimming of whether there are any taboos?
Wang Sheng Xu Director: acupuncture slimming side effects, relatively safe, but security is not absolute, that the attention of acupuncture with related matters, if bleeding tendency, such as haemophiliacs, coagulation mechanism obstacles, which is not recommended Acupuncture weight loss, addition, poor heart function and, if wearing pacemakers, and other patients, these are not the absolute indication of acupuncture, but attention should be paid to cautiously uses electro-acupuncture.
39 Health Network Editor: now some women, too Guganmei pursuit, and did not meet the medical standards for obesity, but still want to lean that, for these people, can acupuncture slimming?
Wang Sheng Xu Director: diagnosis of obesity now, the majority is used to measure body mass index BMI, BMI = now weight / height. (Kg/m2), which is the application of the more common targets. China judgement adult overweight and obesity threshold:
BMI: 18.5 to 23.9 is normal.
BMI: ≥ 24 were overweight.
BMI: I> 28 is obese.
Reflecting the patients from our perspective, in accordance with the scope of this measure, although many people may BMI in the normal range or overweight inside, but did not reach the degree of obesity, but here there is another way to measure obesity, is calculated waist circumference, waist WHO recommended standards: male> 94 cm in women> 80 cm. If the general male waist circumference greater than 94 cm, waist circumference greater than 80 cm women, a condition called central obesity (Apple obesity), which suggested that the type of obesity to visceral fat deposition, although some people do not measured in accordance with the BMI of obesity, but超标waist circumference, and this kind of obesity in greater danger, in need of weight loss treatment, can not be taken lightly.
There is also a concept, is abnormal distribution of fat, or fat percentage in excess of anomalies, many people, BMI or waist circumference may be used to measure and do not belong to the scope of obesity, but she a certain location, for example, hip, upper arm, thighs, lower abdomen, these women fat deposition relatively easy part, seems to be particularly obesity, this time for this type of acupuncture weight loss obesity, but also very effective. So far, we have not found any other weight loss methods another, the site-specific diet, acupuncture this type of method for localized obesity targeted therapeutic effect, this is also one of the advantages of it.
39 Health Network Editor: can we accept a common method of acupuncture weight loss and treatment? Generally accepted treatment effect can be seen how long?
Wang Sheng Xu Director: acupuncture slimming the most commonly used, or the pins were poked, 20 times as a general course, the next day, once a week, 2-3; there is a point catgut embedding method is generally four times as a treatment, two weeks once. As for the effect of speed, there are some differences, because acupuncture weight loss by regulating their own functions to achieve the effect of viscera, and each individual differences also exist, the balance of yin and yang and viscera function is not the same, so the effect of time inconsistent.
39 Health Network Editor: Acupuncture can be with us to talk about weight loss are common point which few?
Wang Sheng Xu Director: acupuncture points used diet, body weight loss into acupoints and the local slimming Point, have a general role of the body slimming points including Wan, Tianshu, Guanyuan, Zusanli, as well as with the giant imaginary clock; and Local diet, weight loss will have to tie in with local Point, for example, if we should reduce the upper arm, shoulder can be used in general Yu, shoulder Fok, in the hands of these three points; If thigh obesity, can be used Xuehai, the wind City, Vodafone rabbits, and other points, if it is Lumbar abdominal obesity, can be water-Fen, the horizontal, such as colorectal Point Acupuncture, acupuncture weight loss, body weight loss is to lose weight Point Point and local integration will be achieved significant results.

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