Wednesday, December 24, 2008

I find the best article from MSDN, it's good.

I find the best article from MSDN, it's good.

C# for Sharp Kids - Part 1 - Getting Started
February 2007

Are We Allowed To Have Fun Here?

I suspect I know what you’re thinking … “I want to write a program and I want to write it now! Coding is the cool part; I don’t want to read half the book before I can write my first program. In fact, this sentence is getting too long already - I want to get going!"

Truthfully, I’ve yet to meet a programmer who can resist diving in – after all, if you bought a new bike, would you sit down and read the book first? Quite likely not – you’d leap aboard, take it for a spin, fall on your face and only later discover the fact that the brakes on this model are opposite to the usual conventions.

So let’s make a deal. We’ll dive right in within this first chapter. Once you’ve installed the software, you can run some of the sample programs and, if you're feeling brave, perhaps even try modifying them.

But the code will look strange and won’t make much sense – you’ll be riding blind – and when you make a small mistake you’ll be clueless as to what’s wrong and how to fix it. It just won’t work and you won’t know why. That’s when you know it’s time to start studying the theory like a pro. Don't become discouraged when something doesn't work, and give up. When that time comes, read the rest of the book; okay?

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