Monday, December 15, 2008

If You Want To Be My Friend..........

Ok, my close friends know that I stress over my "friends list" and I've often referred to it as "the bane of my MyLot existance". Let me explain, I always feel like I can't keep up with the friends I have and I hate not being able to answer everyone's discussions. So I get stressed out. Because of that, I've been denying new friends request because I am afraid they will be disappointed in my inablility to respond to all their discussions. It really makes me feel badly when someone says, "my friends never respond to my discussions". I feel like a total failure. I's a personal problem. I've made a decision. For the next 2 months I will not deny any friends reguest. This is a trial period to see how I handle it. If I get a bunch of new friends saying that their friends never respond to them, I might go into a coma and have to wipe out my whole list and start over! That's a joke people...or is it? So, if you have recently requested me as a friend, then I hope you are reading this and can be patient and understand that I'm doing the best I can. You're all making me crazy! To my old and loyal friends, I love ya, I love ya, I love ya!. To the new ones, please be patient and just go with the flow!
Transdisc : I always enjoy your responses, Irish, but please don't feel obligated to respond to me. I just hope that you will enjoy yourself here!

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