Wednesday, March 04, 2009

use the javascript to operate database (sql or access)

use the javascript to operate database (sql or access)

there are the code snippet:
var rsTopTen
var strInner
var strCntInner
var ConnectionString
rsTopTen = new ActiveXObject("ADODB.Recordset");

// Build the connection string
// ConnectionString Format below:
//ConnectionString = "DRIVER=SQL Server;SERVER=MySQLServer;CATALOG=MyDatabase;UID=USERID;PWD=Password";
// for SQL 7.0:
//ConnectionString = "DRIVER=SQL Server;SERVER=TopTen;CATALOG=TopTen;UID=TopTen;PWD=TopTen";
// for Access Database (on Server):
//ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Persist Security Info=False;Data Source=\\\\demwwwdev01\\develop\\im\\security\\TopTen.mdb";
// for Access Database (on local drive):
ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Persist Security Info=False;Data Source=C:\\TopTen\\TopTen.mdb";

// Build a SQL statement
strSQL = "SELECT TopTenName, TopTenCount FROM TopTen ORDER BY TopTenCount DESC";

// Open the recordset
rsTopTen.Open(strSQL, ConnectionString, 3,1,1);

// Loop through the Recordset

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