Sunday, December 28, 2008
Some interesting blog
Friday, December 26, 2008
There are some url from about the ActiveX
Learn ActiveX from MSDN
Designing Secure ActiveX Controls
Any Microsoft ActiveX control should be conceived and designed with security in mind.
An ActiveX control can be an extremely insecure way to provide a feature. Because it is a Component Object Model (COM) object, it can do anything the user can do from that computer. It can read from and write to the registry, and it has access to the local file system. From the moment a user downloads an ActiveX control, the control may be vulnerable to attack because any Web application on the Internet can repurpose it, that is, use the control for its own ends whether sincere or malicious. But, you can take precautions when you write a control to help avert an attack.
You have a responsibility to users to provide the most secure controls. Do not assume that your control is secure until it has gone through a rigorous security review. This article contains some guidelines you can incorporate into your security review process.
This article contains information about the following topics:
Security Considerations
How to Judge Control Security
Preventing Repurposing
Related Topics
Security Considerations
1. ActiveX 基础知识中文专题:
2. BHO 编程指南:
3. 定制浏览器向导:
4. 使用 ATL AXHost 承载 ActiveX 控件
5. The Shell Drag/Drop Helper Object
6. Using ATL 3.0 to Host the Video Control
7. HOWTO: Dynamically Add ActiveX Controls to ATL Composite Control
8. HOWTO: Control the Context Menu in an ATL HTML Control
11.WebBrowser 不可见时不触发 DocumentComplete BUG:
12.重新发布 Visual C++ ActiveX 控件
14. 升级现有的 ActiveX 控件
15.PRB: TranslateAccelerator() Not Called for ActiveX Controls
16.FIX: ActiveX Control Events Are Not Fired in ATL Dialog
17. Creating Custom Explorer Bars, Tool Bands, and Desk Bands
23 Designing Secure ActiveX Controls
24. Packaging ActiveX Controls
25.COM Objects Overviews and Tutorials
26.The Windows Internet (WinINet) application programming interface (API)
28.HOWTO: Call a Script Method from an ActiveX Script Host
29. HOWTO: Add Toolbars and Tooltips to ActiveX Controls
30.HOWTO: Draw ActiveX Controls with Child Controls in Design Time
31.HOWTO: Adding Tooltips to ATL ActiveX Controls
32. PRB: MFC ActiveX Control BLOB Props Missing While Printing in Internet Explorer
33.HOWTO: Enable ActiveX Control Event Handling on a Web Page
34.PRB: ActiveX Control Window Is Not Created Until Visible in Internet Explorer
35. HOWTO: Detect IE's STOP Button Click in ActiveX Control
36.HOWTO: Renaming an ActiveX Control After its Project Is Created
37.HOWTO: Troubleshoot ActiveX Control Crashes in Internet Explorer
38.SAMPLE: AXSH.EXE Demonstrates Implementing ActiveX Script Hosts
39.OLE 线程模型的说明和工作方式
40.The COM Programmer's Cookbook
41. 利用晚期绑定的威力编写您自己的 COM 调用传输
44. ActiveX Controls on the Internet
46. IContextMenu
MFC Library Reference
ActiveX Control Containers
An ActiveX control container is a container that fully supports ActiveX controls and can incorporate them into its own windows or dialogs. An ActiveX control is a reusable software element that you can use in many development projects. Controls allow your application's user to access databases, monitor data, and make various selections within your applications. For more information on ActiveX controls, see the article MFC ActiveX Controls.
Control containers typically take two forms in a project:
Dialogs and dialog-like windows such as form views, where an ActiveX control is used somewhere in the dialog box.
Windows in an application, where an ActiveX control is used in a toolbar, or other location in the user window.
The ActiveX control container interacts with the control via exposed methods and properties. These methods and properties, which can be accessed and modified by the control container, are accessed through a wrapper class in the ActiveX control container project. The embedded ActiveX control can also interact with the container by firing (sending) events to notify the container that an action has occurred. The control container can choose to act upon these notifications or not.
Additional articles discuss several topics, from creating an ActiveX control container project to basic implementation issues related to ActiveX control containers built with Visual C++:
Creating an MFC ActiveX Control Container
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
I find the best article from MSDN, it's good.
C# for Sharp Kids - Part 1 - Getting Started
February 2007
Are We Allowed To Have Fun Here?
I suspect I know what you’re thinking … “I want to write a program and I want to write it now! Coding is the cool part; I don’t want to read half the book before I can write my first program. In fact, this sentence is getting too long already - I want to get going!"
Truthfully, I’ve yet to meet a programmer who can resist diving in – after all, if you bought a new bike, would you sit down and read the book first? Quite likely not – you’d leap aboard, take it for a spin, fall on your face and only later discover the fact that the brakes on this model are opposite to the usual conventions.
So let’s make a deal. We’ll dive right in within this first chapter. Once you’ve installed the software, you can run some of the sample programs and, if you're feeling brave, perhaps even try modifying them.
But the code will look strange and won’t make much sense – you’ll be riding blind – and when you make a small mistake you’ll be clueless as to what’s wrong and how to fix it. It just won’t work and you won’t know why. That’s when you know it’s time to start studying the theory like a pro. Don't become discouraged when something doesn't work, and give up. When that time comes, read the rest of the book; okay?
Monday, December 15, 2008
If You Want To Be My Friend..........
Transdisc : I always enjoy your responses, Irish, but please don't feel obligated to respond to me. I just hope that you will enjoy yourself here!
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Larger floods this summer might attack in Sichuan

To deal with possible disasters summer weather, which was held recently in Sichuan Province in the first year of the natural disasters trend will Chamber of Commerce. At the meeting, Provincial Meteorological Bureau, the Office of the provincial water conservancy departments initial analysis showed that this year may be a partial Sichuan moderate intensity provincial, and the last 10 years relatively larger floods and other natural disasters.
Provincial Meteorological Bureau, the provincial water conservancy departments at the Office of the view that the overall Sichuan Basin this year precipitation is unlikely that the higher, drought and flood disasters in some areas but still occurred frequently. According to the forecast, this year the western river basins in the probability of large floods, the flood season in the past 10 years may be relatively large to floods, there may be some sections of the flood. Basin, the flood season there are three to five times regional rainstorm process may occur 2 to 3 times floods, which East Basin, southern biased towards some areas. At the same time, in the middle may be biased towards natural disasters, in addition to drought, floods, geological disasters, crop diseases and pests will be more serious.
These forecasts, and the provincial government emergency Office and the Provincial Meteorological Bureau, the provincial flood control and drought relief headquarters said yesterday that the relevant responsible person, it is difficult to avoid natural disasters, can only be a positive response. But after emergency Office of the provincial government and related departments have formulated a flood prevention and drought control, the prevention of geological disasters, and other plans for flood control headquarters at all levels is necessary under the revised forecast, as long as respond properly, "10 to a relatively larger floods" inadequate be afraid.
Drought forecast
Hot summer than last year, but smaller than in 2006
According to the provincial observatory on the 14th of this month "issued by the meteorological intelligence" (a newspaper every 70) said: early April province High temperatures, less precipitation in most province. Precipitation over the same period compared with the year: most of the province Less 6 ~ 10%.
Since April this year, the basin temperature is rising steadily, Chengdu at 14:00 on the 9th highest temperature has exceeded 30 ℃. And Luzhou, Zigong, and other places have the highest temperature reached 32 ℃ for two consecutive days! Provincial Meteorological statistics show that during the period, the average temperature Basin over the same period a year high 7 to 9 ℃.
According to the provincial Climate Center on the recent series of meteorological data to the analysis of speculation, this summer, the province earlier than usual weather will be partial heat, the temperature will be slightly higher than last year, the provincial centre of a climate experts said, "but not hot like 2006 For decades, as an event. "
Provincial Flood Control and Drought Relief Headquarters, director of the Office Tan Xiaoping that the precipitation from the current situation, this year's drought area is unlikely, but possible summer drought in some areas, the provincial occurred.
Flood forecast
Jiang Qingyijiang Minjiang River Drainage possible floods
Regarding this year's flood situation, said Xiao-Ping Tan's Air province will meteorological, hydrological and other data to provide a dynamic analysis, the end of this month on the flood situation in the province this year for a more accurate, complete forecast. In the year, the province recently held its first meeting in consultation with natural disasters trend analysts believe that the western river basin this year, the probability of large floods occurred, there may be nearly 10 to a relatively larger floods, and some sections of possible large-scale floods, the Minjiang River, Qingyijiang, drainage Medium High Jiang possible floods, local flood may occur.
Xiao-Ping Tan said that the flood control headquarters at all levels are in the revised plans for flood prevention, this month, the Department of Water Resources Office of the Organization for flood control command will be responsible for the specialized training. Flood warning in the forecast, this year will be the first time through the network of meteorological and hydrological information instantly sharing, improve flood control negotiations between the timeliness and accuracy of command throughout the peak coming in a timely manner prior to the transfer may be threatened security of the masses. Floods may cause disaster for the people's life and property losses, the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Ministry of Water Resources mountain disasters is the National Institute for Environmental Studies carried out pilot mountain disaster prevention County, Sichuan Anyue County, and other four were classified as experimental.
Experts explained
Regional flood
Is not the entire province
The so-called "10 to a relatively larger flood" is the water conservancy department of this year's flood situation in a preliminary forecast is that this year, a flood level of the river and near the river 10 to the highest flood levels higher compared to year, rather than regional within the scope of the province. Provincial Flood Control and Drought Relief Headquarters, director of the Office Xiao-Ping Tan explained that, "In fact, nearly 10 in Sichuan, most of the floods occurred mainly regional, such as the River drainage, and flood larger main Year in 1998, 2004, 2005 , in 2007. "
Sichuan emergency sniper "Pine Cancer"
Yesterday, the provinces and municipalities Senfang joint law enforcement, search forestry pests such as nematodes. Pine wilt disease is the world's most dangerous diseases of the forest, known as pine "cancer", pines once infected, 40 days can be killed. Nematodes have penetrated several neighboring provinces of Sichuan, a threat to more than 3,700 mu pine forests of Sichuan. At present forest infections have been found in Sichuan nematodes.
"Pine Cancer" surrounded by Sichuan
Yesterday, in a motorcycle Cuqiao warehouse, provincial and municipal law enforcement officers Senfang opened a motorcycle overpack, careful search of the surrounding pine on any anomalies. The new and more than 40 motorcycles, from pine wilt disease affected areas in Zhejiang. Law enforcement officers removed the packaging, with a suspected plant diseases and insect pests of pine, recovering detection.
In recent years, forest plants and their products become more frequent transportation, nematodes, Hyphantria cunea, and other major forestry quarantine pests surrounding areas have been approaching Sichuan, Chongqing, Guizhou, and other neighboring provinces have discovered nematodes against pine. Once the invasion of nematodes, Sichuan more than 3,700 mu of forest would be tremendous damage.
Yesterday, the deputy director of the provincial forestry department announced GUO Heng Hau, Sichuan start "sword 2008" Yungui of Sichuan Forestry phytosanitary special joint enforcement action. Jews as Temple Mount, on the Pine Wood Nematode jointly conducted with the focus on evade quarantine and transporting illegal acts.
Provincial forest pest control and quarantine terminus file deputy head of Yang Zhong, 5 to October this year, the province will also undertake large-scale Senfang law enforcement activities, Chengdu, Deyang, Leshan, Guangyuan, Panzhihua, Suining, and the cities of Ya'an must swing into action. To be set up in the leading group of pine wilt disease prevention and control, involving forestry, transport, electricity, telecommunications, postal services, and many other departments, coordination of the "pine cancer."
"Pine cancer" endangering pine
In recent years, China from the United States, Japan and South Korea, import wood packaging materials intercepted in the hundreds of nematodes.
Provincial forest pest control and quarantine terminus senior engineer Lingze red, pine wilt disease spreading to China in Nanjing in 1982, in a short span of 10 or more years, have been in Jiangsu, Anhui, Shandong, Zhejiang, Guangdong, Hubei, Hunan and other provinces disaster occurred. At present, the State Forestry Administration released information indicating that the country has 14 provinces, 157 county-level administrative region in pine wilt disease.
Most parts of our country is suitable for pine wood nematode, which South China 5 million mu pine and Huangshan, Mount Lushan, such as Zhangjiajie World Natural and Cultural Heritage, the scenic area pose a serious threat to ecological safety.
Early this year, the State Forestry Administration Senfang terminus held in Beijing pine wilt disease prevention and control expert forum. March of this year, the State Forestry Bureau has issued "on the prevention of the spread of pine wilt disease emergency notice," said South freezing rain and snow disasters pine wilt disease in the majority of Lodging and pine trees growing decline, a substantial increase Yimu cleaning up the workload, and may trigger a brown pine beetle population density is increasing rapidly.
Pine manufactures portable nematodes
Provincial forest pest control and quarantine terminus Lingze Hung, Senior Engineer, close communication, relying mainly on beetle carrying nematodes, adult nematodes only about 1 mm in length, but in a beetle, has been found Up to 300,000 nematodes. Mainly rely on long-distance communication with people transporting infected (with pine wood nematode Cerambycidae) seedlings, pine wood, pine and pine crates, and other products.
Parasitic nematodes from beetle feeding into the wound caused by the pine branches organization, parasites in the resin Road, a large number of trees throughout the post-breeding, causing catheter obstruction, pine LOCA, transpiration decreased dramatically resin secreted reduced and stopped.
China's quarantine regulations prohibited from affected countries and regions imported pine seedlings, Scion, from the affected countries and regions softwood logs, wood products, wood packaging materials quarantine. From the affected countries and regions wood packaging materials sampling, and nematodes in the laboratory, the separation, identification, once found that nematodes should be immediately taken heat treatment of wood packaging materials, destroy or return address .
It is worrying that the "pine cancer" of the pine wilt disease is step-by-step approximation Sichuan, once the invasion will Sichuan large pine trees were severely affected. Sichuan Province has developed a rule of pine wilt disease prevention in addition to contingency plans. Province Senfang specialists called for units and individuals found any suspicious epidemic, and immediately contact the local inspection and quarantine departments.
News Links
Pine Wood Nematode
Origin in North America and later spread to Japan, South Korea, Portugal and other countries, in Japan, causing serious pine trees died. Once infected pines, the fastest around 40 days can wither, 3 to 5 years is causing widespread deforestation vicious disaster.
At present all countries in the world have not yet found a cure plant diseases and insect pests such an effective way. Pine wilt disease is also known as "pine cancer."
Identification Method
If it is found that a yellow pine needles, and quickly to Chihese pine wilt from discoloration to death, only about two months time, not a long-term water shortage, drought and man-made mechanical injury, may be a line of pine wood infection, experts do need professional testing.
Strengthening Nuclear Safety Administration for nuclear regulatory Sichuan
As a "nucleus of the" Sichuan Province yesterday formally established the National Nuclear Safety Authority. In the establishment of the National Nuclear Safety Authority aimed at strengthening the supervision and management of nuclear and radiation, ensuring a safe environment. Held yesterday at the provincial environmental protection work meeting, the Sichuan Provincial Government, the Environmental Protection Department and the National Nuclear Safety Administration for the leadership of the Sichuan Provincial Environmental Protection Bureau gave nameboards, additional Provincial Office for Nuclear Safety, formally announced that the National Nuclear Safety Authority province was set up. In the provincial environmental protection administration departments of provinces linked to the National Nuclear Safety Authority brand, and Sichuan is at the forefront of the country.
Sichuan nuclear safety status of special and important
According to reports, the establishment of the National Nuclear Safety Authority is mainly based on three reasons: since the 1960s, with nuclear technology and electromagnetic technology in the production and livelihood of the broad application, and formed a large number of sources of radiation; Sichuan mainly to the radioactive rare earth companion Mine development and utilization of the nation's second place, a large amount of radioactive material per year of solid waste; the province's development of nuclear power has been included in national development plans, the centre in Chengdu for comprehensive utilization of nuclear energy base is taking shape.
"As public awareness of the continuous improvement of the environment, the environment of the radiation are of increasing concern to the people, especially their pollution complaints of electromagnetic radiation pollution complaints increased substantially. Status quo that Sichuan nuclear and radiation safety regulatory environment is important." According to the relevant Provincial Environmental Protection Bureau The person in charge of Sichuan is located in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River, a part of nuclear technology to the development of components and raw materials production, coupled with the population is large inland provinces, nuclear and radiation safety status of special and important.
Nuclear safety will be at the same time planning and economic development
"Provincial Office for Nuclear Safety was set up, it will further strengthen supervision of nuclear and radiation environment functions duties, to facilitate integration of functions, coordination, and strengthen nuclear and radiation emergency environmental accidents and improve the ability to deal with emergency." Provincial Environmental Protection Bureau deputy director Tian Xie told journalists, after the founding of the National Nuclear Safety Authority, will be mainly responsible nuclear safety, radiation environment, radioactive waste monitoring, coordination nuclear accident, radiation environment Emergency work, and is responsible for the province's nuclear facilities management of the environment, the use of nuclear technology for important units, radioactive and associated radioactive mining enterprises, an important electromagnetic radiation unified supervision and management.
"Nuclear and radiation safety control is national security and social stability in an important sector, the environmental protection department is one of the three functions." Tian Xie said that the establishment of Nuclear Safety Administration is not only Sichuan "nucleus of the" situation and work task, but also the national security needs. He briefed the reporters on the provincial establishment of the National Nuclear Safety Authority, the administrative departments in charge of environmental protection at all levels and their nuclear and radiation safety regulatory agencies in accordance with the law of the SAR core and radiation safety unified supervision and management, and speed up the building of a high-quality nuclear and radiation environment security management team. Province Nuclear Safety Administration will promote the city (state), counties (cities, districts) radiation monitoring institutions and the necessary personnel and equipment for, in order to fully enhance nuclear and radiation environment monitoring capability. Besides, the provincial Office for Nuclear Safety will be the nuclear and radiation safety management of the environment and socio-economic development planning at the same time, the simultaneous implementation, and speed up local legislation, increase investment and strengthen the regulatory capacity-building and accountability.
United States food aid to the 200 million
United States President George W. Bush announced on the 14th, the United States provided about 200 million US dollars worth of urgent international food aid to ease the current Africa and other parts of the food supply shortage.
The same day the White House issued a statement saying, This emergency assistance will be through the United States Agency for International Development plan, and will mainly be used to offset rising international grain prices to the United States some of the existing foreign-aid projects of food, mainly assistance to Africa and other targets Some countries. Bush cabinet members discussed the day and the world food supply shortages that developed countries have the responsibility to help countries facing food shortages and regions.
The recent sharp rise in grain prices in the international market, caused in the world worried about a shortage of food supplies, and in some African countries and Haiti triggered riots. To solve this problem, a number of international organizations urged the developed countries to increase their aid efforts in low-income countries.
Monday, April 14, 2008
Moderator Station, the BBC hanged himself
Local time on April 13 morning, the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) TV presenters Makeshipeite children was found hanged in London a remote corner of the station. Shipeite lawyers and friends believe that he is unable to bear the death of his girlfriend drugs excessive pain and hanged himself.
Bodies in remote corners
At 10:00 on the 13th or so, the police in west London Paddington Station is a remote corner of the bodies found Shipeite. At present body had been carried from the scene, the police have been monitoring the relevant video station for further investigation. Police said in a statement, the identity of the deceased need an official confirmation, it can be sure the deceased was not killed by the train, but the hanging. It was not immediately clear whether Shipeite left a suicide note.
According to surveillance video showed Shipeite at 14:25 on April 7 to enter the Queen's Park in northwest London Subway, about 22 minutes after he was photographed on to the centre of London "Beikelu" subway line. Police speculated that Shipeite later went to the Paddington Station. Paddington Station from the Queen's Park Subway Station Road 4.
Children presenters
Shipeite 42-year-old this year, the BBC children's programme "SMart" host for 10 years. February of this year, he resigned as moderator of the work. Shipeite girlfriend Natasha Collins is a model, as well as the British Broadcasting Corporation host of a children channel. The two BBC children's programmes in a meeting acquaintance, has been living together for five years.
January 3 this year, Collins Shipeite found dead in their home in northwest London, in the bathtub, then to the police for murder and the arrest of drug Shipeite. Shipeite told police Collins died the previous night, they were both smoking cocaine, sleeping pills, in addition to drink wine and vodka. But ultimately this coroner investigating the case as a "accident", Collins died of cocaine overdose and hot water burns. The coroner's office said 31-year-old Collins whole area was 60% of the bath tub of scalding hot water.
Police did not Shipeite eventually brought charges, but he accepted the police inquiries in the six days after it disappeared. According to the police recalled that Shipeite conversation with the police appeared "perturbed, sleepiness," but he refused to provide the police for help.
Shipeite lawyers Irbil Sheikh satisfied that Shipeite because of unbearable suffering and the loss of Collins committed suicide. Sheikh said: "He is in dealing with Collins encountered difficulties, he did not know how to face up to, so to end his own life."
Shipeite best friend on the 13th Situgede Smith said, the character of a dual nature Shipeite, in a television programme he is warm, humorous, and only the closest friends know he is very sensitive side. Goldsmith said: "I know that he died on the very ERA Collins, a tremendous impact on him, he was very painful."
Ten 1988-2008 farewell automobile market in Chengdu
In 1988, when the Chengdu people are Li-you create a section "Yemengzhu", the then Mr. Li Shufu even repairer of the concept have not been formed. Today, "Yemengzhu" no longer shine, and Geely Automobile industry has grown into a giant. 20 automobile market, 20 ups and downs and ups and downs, 20 and the rise and fall of honor. Some are gone, some long gone. Some people clapped and said - and some people Ewan sigh;'re some, while others at a glance.
On the wheels of the times, memories is a very difficult thing. Cui Jian said: "No I do not understand that this world is changing fast." Nevertheless, for those who have been brought to this market memory of people and cars, and material things, it is still worth a mind on the.
In the Sichuan
Farewell: 1999
1997 in the Sichuan, Chengdu automobile market is absolutely the most appeal with the most influential to the car. The company was held in Chengdu, "Ferrari parade" activities, as a result, turned out only to see Keswick Northern Lights style. Not only opened a massive car-ho top of the Overture Sichuan, Chengdu also ignited the public's desire and dream cars. 1998, Sichuan again in the public only 9,988 yuan down payment will be worth 58,500 yuan away the heavy ALTO Xi'an initiatives in the automobile market Daxing hire car. A surprise is that after 1999, the market began to gradually fade out the vision.
Open car
Farewell: 2000
Before the 2000 auto market in Chengdu, hypermarkets dominate quack era. Chengdu was at least more than 80 per cent of the vehicle operators, car distribution in the western city, Sandy Bay, Qingyang, Simon, Wuhou Wuguiqiao and several side streets, such as at the Auto Show, with the exception of the western city car and Wu Hou Wang Street is the main indoor display, the other exhibits and sales of motor vehicles, and basic are conducted in the open. This open-air car manner in the eyes of many consumers when there are "three poor": First, the venue shabby environment bad publicity of poor Third, it is poor maintenance of vehicles, because it is in open piles, so the car dust is the engine casing.
Consumer era of public funds
Farewell: 2006
From the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers statistics show that China's automobile production and sales this year were 7279700 and 7216000. This figure indicates that China has become the world's second largest automobile consumer market, after the United States. 2006, small displacement cars wantonly Hot, of course, the family car is the result of overall speed, and the family car the man, and not only a symbol of private consumption became the absolute main car market, and it also implies that China's auto market has been previously Consumer-oriented bus to the history, has gone.
Sichuan Jieshun
Farewell: 2005
May 12, Wuhu Intermediate People's Court of Sichuan Jieshun into several bailiffs, pending the sale of several vehicles seal exhibits, but also to the more than 400 Jieshun cars have also carried out property protection. For the preservation of property is Jieshun cooperation has been a six-year-old "old boss" - Chery.
A sum of over 20 million yuan of the purchase price, said this is the first domestic auto manufacturers shut down their dealers for the biggest causes of the incident. Sichuan Jieshun once Chery the first distributor and the largest distributor. Jieshun and through cooperation, in the Anhui Chery it was the first time outside the market-oriented breakthrough, and it is through sole agent Chery cars, Sichuan Jieshun also became automobile sales industry in Sichuan Province party leaders. This is precisely why Chashun been quarantined, in the year of the automotive market has aroused strong repercussions.
Farewell: 1998
For private car Third City, is the automobile era Yemengzhu eve of a section of the Chengdu can not forget the memory, a symbol can not be erased. 1988, a half-semester junior CD-Chengdu people Li-yu, trucks parts "made" from the first one Sichuan cars - Yemengzhu. Until 1996, Li Ju-yu's day again Honda car companies CTJ-2 to produce a blueprint for running the Yemengzhu palanquin. To car sells, in that as the age of luxury sedans, Li Yu was the same as selling cabbage selling cars: to buy a donated one, spent 86,000 yuan to buy a palanquin Yemengzhu run, if not after one year, days Ju will be unconditional full refund. Thought this Said auto market after the unprecedented no to the marketing initiatives, has led to the biggest failure of the Yemengzhu.
Starting in 1998, remains listed vehicle of new products, customer comparison, the natural run Yemengzhu palanquin is horrible. Attendant to retire refund wave, almost day-ju "Danjinliangjue." The same year, the state's licensing system on the more stringent, if there is no access to the optical disk directory, any enterprise can not be any model on the licence. This is equivalent to direct announced Yemengzhu "class."
ALTO times
Farewell: 2003
Chengdu before the 2000 auto market, ALTO is a monopoly era. As long as private cars, and more than 50 per cent of people would choose ALTO, and the whole ALTO Chengdu because of the huge volume was jokingly called "Extension Extension City." At that time, the reason why consumers ALTO such admiration and love, first, because they are directly under the jurisdiction of Chongqing in 1997, Chengdu always regarded it as a local production of Sichuan Automobile second is cheap; Third, it is then automobile market little alternative models, in addition to the leased, almost to capacity can be identified with the corresponding models.
After 2000, Nanjing Ingles, Yueda from Epulaite Chuan, Fulaier, Nanjing Fiat models, such as the Mailiao launched, the advantages of starting ALTO increasingly diluted. In 2003, the Chery QQ listing, based competitive Weichefuchang has added fuel. Consumers in the face of more choices at the same time, a ALTO dominance by the end of this era.
Profits era
Farewell: 2004
The automobile market in 2004, the average car price cut of 9.4 percent. The unprecedented wave of price cuts not only spared the economy cars, and even luxury cars has been calm also be affected, first by Mazda, Mondeo, the Passat, 307 signs down, then known as "firm prices" known as Audi and BMW also drop. This year, the waves of sound full prices for a whole year automobile market, from upstream to downstream all silently endured by squeezing profit margins pressure. This year, not only in the automobile market "prices replenishment," even the first time in the 30,000 yuan the following models - Geely of pride bright stars.
Farewell: 2005
Before 2005, the domestic automobile market, such a popular phenomenon: Many manufacturers to import large quantities of auto parts, assemble finished products in the domestic car sales. Because it imports 10% of the auto parts assembly directly comparable vehicle to avoid import tariffs at least 15 per cent.
In such circumstances, in April 2005 the relevant departments in China promulgated the "characteristics of a vehicle imported auto parts management approach", which is the core content, "joint ventures in China with production of motor vehicles, their parts can not exceed imports Vehicle 60%, or by vehicle tax. "Despite this the" measures "introduced, suffered from the EU, the United States and Canada and even the strong opposition of the prosecution, but we were pleased to see the increase of domestic key parts degree has been a lot of transnational automobile giants households move. Such as Germany's BMW Group will be in May 2006 and Brilliance reached a joint venture agreement.
AUX auto
Farewell: 2005
March 23, Aux Group announced its withdrawal from the auto market. This move marks since 2002, private enterprises repairer heat movement are all "Wanbuzhuai" embarrassing end, the basic automobile bubble burst. Aux delisting, AUX spokesman said, "done by 40 million vehicles a dream," a detailed analysis of the characteristics of the automotive industry chain AUX auto determine the overall risk of mortality caused more than 40 million yuan in fact, the whole industry chain including the funding risks, the risk of land and social risks. The departments in charge of events for the industry sounded the alarm: the automotive industry must strengthen macro-regulation and control.
Increase sales
Farewell: Now
Over the past nearly 10 years, and in all market segments of a number of models are often little competitors, as well as lack of capacity in the great contradiction between supply and demand, led directly to the fare increase sales of the automotive market has become a common practice. 1999 listing of the seventh-generation Accord is naturally increase the sales representative model, then, Junwei, Audi, Fumeilai, Mazda 6, and many other models have also Adding price cars: one camp.
After 2004, with increases in production and supply and demand changes, just in the camp of fare increases, prices began to gradually included in the ranks. By 2007, the market also increases sales model has been reduced to less than 10. At present, in addition to just listing of the eighth generation Accord, and Dongfeng Nissan, such as keeping passenger car on March 5, also increases, the market has been unable to find another fare increase in sales of other models. The sales increase was the wind, it is becoming forever past.
Urban traffic congestion problems when
Urban road congestion with the car, especially with the cars, to feel comfortable, and I used to use clutch control speed, it would not be bad on the clutch?
Also, the traffic lights junction, directly pick such good parking stalls, or with stalls stamping on the brake, and so good.
Indeed, this is one of the most experienced novice, is a normal phenomenon. Novice drive fear most congestion, will not mind if traffic jam at the end, especially the uphill traffic jam hearts become even more tense, this is not the teacher taught, and rely on our own in the actual driving time of groping, if it is master craftsmen will not have this problem, . I am also a novice, the original很怕traffic jam, well, is the main reason for the traffic jam in a half-time clutch master (also known as semi-linkage). If in the face of congestion at the long-stay parking in the car waiting for the course, if it is to feel comfortable with a half-off: a linked file will be gradually lifted slightly refueling clutch (fear of extinction), mobile vehicles to be used when the clutch high-end to control the speed will be faster down the clutch hit that (feeling from the previous close after the pumping will be stamping on the foot on the accelerator, in accordance with need refueling), the slow speed of the lift-off point will (lift-off edge Edge with oil), this car will not be quenched, will follow the walk in front of cars. Of course, with a half-off would increase clutch wear, compared with the way it is not safe to do is this is the operation of master craftsmen. You can find a place of experience, and then to physical training acquired training on the streets there will be no problem, I am waiting for you in accordance with the method mastered then choose the best answer, I believe that you would choose me. Vehicles through traffic lights junction, the red need parking In case, the correct methods of operation are: first stamping on the brake control speed, according to the speed of the speed brake to determine the intensity of question from the stop line (or the vehicle in front) cable 15 meters about the distance, then pick stall car moved forward and let (Note feet cadres not to release), and the proper distance from the vehicle in front, the decisive parking brake. Abandoning Note: Do not adjust and very far in the distance to pick stalls on the taxiway, this poor control vehicle accident prone.
Ho Po Sang: The previous banking Daishaoye now converted to Buddhism Implicit the mountains

In the Hong Kong version of "Xiaoaojianghu" in the showcase Lin Ping Ho Po Sang Po Sang Bank in Hong Kong as the Daishaoye, and the family as much as the total assets of 26.74 billion Hong Kong dollar, but in 2005 he converted to Buddhism, Fahao Road Health. It was learned that this 40-year-old Ho Po Sang still live in seclusion in Lantau and sugar Baolinshi Aberdeen, led a life of poverty in Buddhism, in addition to the value of 30 million homes by the house turned into beds, all carried water must Po Sang Ho , farming and vegetable growing, six hours a day Zhishui .
Seclusion 2003 whereabouts were injured due to exposure Zhuazei
Since 2005 a monk, Ho Po Sang has been no sign of exposure. However, in the last month on the 24th, but because there are thieves to steal the hermit linked to the temple, Ho Po Sang were being encountered, this expose his whereabouts. According to reports, last month on the 24th night, a thief sneaked into Hong Kong Po Lam Monastery on Lantau Island in the Main Hall steal things, stole hanging in an audio-visual feast the eyes of the gold bracelet. According to the temple monks said, it is good to donate items, worth a lot of money. Originally pegged temple also donated a lot of gold, but six months ago were looted after the air, the bracelet is the only offerings.
The 40-year-old ", and" Po Sang Ho, who lives next to a hall of the two-storey building within. 24 nearly 11 o'clock the night the evening, go to bed, sleep hygiene has suddenly heard abnormal sound, Dujiao suspicious, immediately get up from a broom went downstairs to check with the thief is a hit, and a scuffle. Later, the thieves fled with iron bars also wounded in the arm Po Sang Ho, Ho Po Sang subsequent report, the former "Lin Ping" of the whereabouts of has be exposure.
Zhishui impoverished lives six hours a day
The giants that once the children, and entertainment stars are now living a life of what Buddhism? Ho Po Sang Baolinshi self-cultivation of Lantau Island in Hong Kong to sugar Aberdeen, a remote location, go to Tung Chung Station, the only road to Baolinshi simply did not have a car road to walk three kilometers, nearly two-hour journey can be reached.
Temple uphill peacetime few people burn incense to Buddha for help, only the temple monks chanting both sexes are calmly self-cultivation. A monk said that as before Zhuazei exposure, ", and" Po Sang Ho refusing to disturb, has recently downhill resort.
Ho former monk has been living in the Po Sang in Hong Kong-Tuen Mun Alpine villa in the value of 30 million. Now, the "Road of Health" only lived in the temple a few square meters hut and sleep on bunk beds is the size metal frame that came beds, and both sexes are usually can only rest flexor in these places in the square.
According to the monks, the "Road of Health" daily demonstrations of the division as brothers, be read every day, "the King Kong" Sanshan, but also brothers and the division rotation farming, cooking and harvesting vegetables, cleaning both inside and outside the local temple, time to help repair the temple. Ho Po Sang in the temple Zhishui six hours daily, 3:00 am must be read to get up, "the King Kong", the general is chanting morning, the afternoon of physical stem miscellaneous live, began reciting 17:00, 9:00 rest, a day poverty.
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Chengdu three years caused a national communications hub
Three major projects
Communication entrance to the opening of the Chengdu North America, Singapore, India and the Greater Mekong subregion, such as direct international fiber optic circuits
"Three networks" based on the construction of communication networks, and radio and television and computer networks unified multi-service network platform
"Wireless City" into covering the city, surrounding Internet radio monitoring to effectively protect the air waves order……
Concerned about - the communications hub Test
Communications, such as the implementation of three major projects for the import and export; create regional Internet exchange center, and other eight centres on building the national information base of the three disaster recovery base……
Chengdu recently proposed creating national communications hub goal. According to "Chengdu communications hub construction planning framework", and Chengdu will be a three-year period, 2010 to create a convergence of the western region in Chengdu, serving the whole country and the world to communicate national communications hub. Liu Yong, director of the Information Office yesterday on an interview that the focus of this year's work is now in full swing.
Three years as national communications hub
Chengdu is the largest domestic communication hub District is one of the "eight vertical eight horizontal" and Sichuan "three vertical and three horizontal" communications hub in the network of nodes. Recently, Chengdu to build a national communications hub goal. By 2010, Chengdu communications infrastructure up to the leading domestic and international advanced level, and in the consolidation of existing southwest communications hub status on the basis of the development of a strategic cluster west, and communication services of the world's national communications hub.
Specifically, Chengdu will be strengthened to Xian, Chongqing, Kunming, Lanzhou, the direction of a communication lines around the ability to strengthen the convergence of information and information-processing capabilities, and basically meet the needs of Chengdu and the surrounding area information processing, scientific computing, the demand strengthening of international communication support capacity for the state's approval of a country's international communications Chengdu entrance Bureau.
Three major projects into "wireless city"
Building national communications hub, one of the key tasks this year is to complete the International Telecommunications Gateway project first national strategy to building international import and export business communications. According to the plan, will be launched this year and complete Internet exchange center city, and for achieving the local Internet internetworking city and the exchange of information in the fight for the country's access to international communication channel bandwidth on the basis of the allocation of resources, and strive to achieve Chengdu to North America, Singapore India and the Greater Mekong Subregion through an international circuit. In addition, Chengdu will also implement the "three networks" and "wireless city" project.
Building national communications hub of the remaining tasks include: regional Internet exchange centers, and national data storage centres, national-level Internet domain names Analytical Center, the National Infrastructure Information Resource Centre, the national evaluation centers, and national digital media distribution centers, and national high-performance computing centers, and national digital certificate authentication center, disaster recovery, as well as national information base, the national back-up support base, the state IT services base. These tasks in 2010 will be gradually realized.
Construction work has been in full swing
"This work has already begun." Yesterday, the City Information Office Director Liu Yong said that the Chengdu Information Office has been working in accordance with the comprehensive plan. Liu Yong said that the communications environment, communication resources is an important regional economic development elements of the investment projects, such as the launching of the importance of seizing the opportunity if, for the high ground communication strategy for regional economic development and competitiveness enhancement capability It is of great significance and crucial role. This reporter Liu Li
Pilot area of concern undertake construction industry transfer
Intel a small step
Chengdu, a big step
Modern high-tech zones from the IT industry gathering process observation Chengdu undertake industrial shift the road map (1)
Europe and the United States from China to Japan and then to the eastern coastal areas, more than 60 years after the war, the global industrial transfer gradient of the three were passing by January 1 of the above-mentioned achievements in the economic miracle.
Fourth wave of renewed transfer gradient. This 20 was the development of opportunities and challenges, China's central and western provinces and autonomous regions are keenly aware that all localities各显神通, will be hoping for spring. Earlier this month, Sichuan held high-level meetings undertake industrial shift work, the high-profile co-operation to strengthen the open, following a transfer of industries.
Undertake transfer of industries, the economics of this technical terminology, the Chengdu means what?
In order to facilitate understanding, we try to Chengdu from Intel settled all that, find Chengdu undertake the transfer of high-tech industries of the road map.
Intel brought Chengdu
Not only a large investment, and not just a pretty good investment performance, not only bring an enterprise, but a from scratch Lianmianbujue industries.
Chengdu has been formed integrated circuit design and manufacture of industrial chain, Chengdu is the investment business cards. This breakdown of the root wear Reply Intel, Friends尼森, SMIC, the United States and other core source of valuable gemstones Zhulian, Intel will definitely be in the first row of the brightest happened.
"Chengdu modern IT industry gathering process is a process of transfer of industry undertake." April 9, in the administrative office Tianfu Metro Centre, Chengdu Liu Yong, director of the Office of the information to this reporter said.
Liu Yong is often the media interview Chengdu is the design and manufacturing of integrated circuits and software industries, the process of gathering witness to the history. In June 2007, he prolonged the country's high-tech development zone in Chengdu, deputy director of the CMC, and pushed forward the development of the software industry in Chengdu team leader, as a matter of course by the Chengdu Modern key to the development of the IT industry.
In August 2003, one of the world's top 500 enterprises of Intel Corporation announced the establishment of the Chengdu Hi-tech Western semiconductor chip packaging and testing plant. During and after a 3-year Chengdu Silian, the then mayor of Chengdu City Chun went to Intel headquarters more mediation.
Intel to Chengdu and was being held in Chengdu 10th national congress, the early autumn of Chengdu excited for a long time. And, as the latter continued to Chengdu far-reaching impact on the future of the former effect is the news has not sustain绕梁must.
China Merchants to a historical example to enter Chengdu, Intel and the Chengdu story, the credentials were filed.
Intel Chengdu, in the end it means what? Not only a huge investment, not only is a pretty good investment performance, not only bring an enterprise, but a from scratch Lianmianbujue industries.
"Intel Chengdu IC fill the gaps in manufacturing industries," Liu Yong in a word.
Chip industry known as golden industry, and the industry chain consists of IC (integrated circuit) design, wafer fabrication and packaging and testing three parts, "package" and the "test" is just one section of the late processes, and technology-intensive , the process is difficult, high gold content in the early part of the IC design and wafer fabrication.
In fact, in 2003 Intel to Chengdu, Chengdu, some IC design companies, such as the Proton, Nanshan Bridge, but a smaller number, and size. Although Intel Chengdu build factories linked residing in the downstream industries, but the anti-impetus to the upper reaches of the Chengdu IC design enterprises to grow in a short period of time, from the previous 45 to the development of today's 40 to 50 homes.
Gaps in the middle reaches of the industry chain will soon be filled. October 2005, the first integrated circuits in China's western 8-inch wafer fab in Chengdu - a core Semiconductor Manufacturing Ltd., established in May 2007 with mass production.
Wafer fabrication investment huge, huge benefits, not only to the 10 billion yuan in the downstream industries, Chengdu declared the integrated circuit design and manufacturing of complete industrial chain, Zhulianbige draw a perfect arc.
Intel also introduced the Chengdu-IC enterprises played a demonstration effect. "Intel has come, and why we do not come", which later became investors the same sentence.
This demonstration effect not only include Intel's partners, including Intel's competitors. March 29, 2008, the world's only contend with Intel's second largest chip giant AMD announced the establishment of branches in Chengdu, and the choice of business partners and competitors, "neighbors."
The birth of a core model
From the vice mayor to mayor to the Communist Party of rotation "delivery", there is a unique "three-step" investment organizational structure.
To the originator of the Intel Chengdu integrated circuit industry chain aggregation process, Chengdu Hi-tech Zone is the leading industries become increasingly clear, investment objectives increasingly clear process is also responsive to the modern Chengdu subjective transfer of the IT industry, the objective of transfer of industries fit on the course.
Lively always fresh cases in the reform of the practice of most grass-roots initiation. For example, the Chengdu-core Semiconductor Manufacturing Ltd., created a "core model."
2004, heard SMIC intends to invest in the central and western regions in the wafer factories, Chengdu Hi-tech Zone to track their investment plans, but has a tremendous amount of investment progress.
2005, the purchase of Chengdu Hi-tech Zone found an old wafer production line just over 200 million US dollars. Chengdu High-tech Zone request by the leadership immediately after the SMIC president Chang proposed that the Government to invest, build factories and production lines, SMIC commissioned by the management.
This was a core model - from Chengdu industrial investment companies and investment groups Chengdu Hi-tech Zone set up joint investment into core Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd., is responsible for project construction, the purchase of production equipment installation and manufacturing operations; as partners chip manufacturer -- -- SMIC will provide consultancy and construction management team, production management team of professionals. This model emulated by other multi-region.
Chengdu Hi-tech Zone Economic Development Board Secretary Yang Dong-core is the birth of one of the midwives. In 2004, then vice mayor of ZHU Zhi-hong led a six-member team of professionals, go see the sea Chang, Yang Dong Dianzikeda Microelectronics Academy and professionals such as Dean charged on them. After Chengdu card than the preceding one, the second round of meetings, Chengdu Mayor Ge dispatched red forest, the third round, it is the municipal party committee secretary Li Chuncheng.
If the leadership come forward, "the big fight", stressed the importance of the negotiations, Chengdu is a mechanism that is the professionalism of the investment mechanism.
The high-tech zones have their own unique three axes - a "three-step" investment structure, investment services Bureau, the Planning Board and the building of the economic and trade development. The Council is responsible for tracking investment objectives and business investment intentions advisory services, is responsible for the planning and construction for the arrival enterprises to build supporting facilities and utilities, trade and economic development, is responsible for the commissioning of the corporate financing, market development and policy support.
"Good government structure should be local industrial system, the ecological component" for policy analysis and planning the development of industrial research by the Secretary for soup Following strong, the reporter describes the high-tech zones "small government with large social market" . This is also a modern service-oriented government in the direction of restructuring.
IC industry based positioning
There are seven such bases, Chengdu what different?
Traversed many road must be found looking back at the first confounded, and the growth of joy. It is in undertaking transfer of industries, formation of industry agglomeration of exploration and adhere to, the high-tech zones to see their past, present and future.
And the new administrative office in concert with the unique design of the MC Building on the high-tech zones in the 1,000 meters outside. As no exact location on a map and borders of non-SAR, high-tech zones have less than 20 years old, in addition to dramatic modern-style office buildings and factories, not for the general public are well-known Chengdu. But in recent years, it more "technology Metro, Metro International," the description appeared in the media reports and real estate advertisements.
From 1991 was approved as the first national high-tech industry development zones, high-tech zones in Chengdu self-awareness and positioning the industry for a period of 10 years. Chengdu Hi-tech Zone according to a person's argument, it is investment and industrialization of the initial stage of gathering and investment with blindness, enterprises set up with a chance, industrial areas are more disorder. Until 2000, the provincial and municipal governments clearly high-tech industry, it should focus on investment in the international context, "the industry chain-do, do rough, and stronger." Electronic information, bio-pharmaceuticals, precision machinery manufacturing three leading industries direction became clear.
July 2001, the state of the IC design industry base in Chengdu by the State Ministry of Science and Technology approved the establishment. This base of the seven, and Chengdu will rely on what different?
"Located in the western inland, logistics and transport Chengdu disadvantage is the inconvenience, difficult than the industrial base in Wuhan, Chongqing," the Secretary for Economic Development on the high-tech zones Yang Dong original self-analysis. "But Chengdu has many research institutions, universities and scientific and technological personnel prominent advantages, and lower-cost addition, a good investment living environment, but also conducive to stability and attract talent," and finally, high in technology, products small size, the logistics dependence Low, logistics and low cost, mainly to the electronic information microelectronics industries eventually finalized.
Chengdu 2001, no basis for the integrated circuit industry. But by international manufacturing to lower-cost integrated, space larger profits, the market prospects for better regional transfer of Dongfeng, and preparation of this Chengdu snared the key rod, and today, has become China's integrated circuit industry distribution an important pole.
Chengdu, the talent market will be set up software
The 6th China International Software Fair cooperation has entered a countdown to the opening. Soft contact the reporter yesterday from the organizing committee that will be 17 in the afternoon, China international talent market Chengdu software talent market gave nameboards ceremony will be held at the soft contact.
Chengdu software talents in China's Chengdu relying on the talent market, attract, cultivate and foster Chengdu, and the western region development of the software industry in international talent, focus on development and international talent recruitment, international vocational qualification certification training, provide enterprises invite foreign experts to agency services. It is learnt that the market is Chengdu software talents State Bureau of Foreign Experts approved the establishment of the first national professional international talent market.
Polar Sea southwest of the largest theme park located in Chengdu
Hantaigeju Dili penguins, sea lions and beluga to "immigrants" Chengdu! Reporter yesterday that the Polar Sea southwest of the largest theme park has been settled in Chengdu, in the first half of next year and will open the door amenities.
It is understood that after the completion of a theme park in addition to the introduction of white whales, walrus, the South American sea lions, Dili penguins, polar bears, seals and other rare spot polar marine animals for Now, it has a large polar marine animals performing Museum, animal joy Theatre White Whale Museum, the Museum polar bears, penguins Exhibition Hall, the shark exhibition, seal, walrus, interactive touch pool experience more than 10 stadiums, and other regional……
Yesterday afternoon, the Dalian-chang Group of the Polar Sea Park officially named as the "sea CIMB EBC Chengdu Polar Sea World."
It is learnt that the construction area of 180,000 square meters of the Polar Sea World at the southern tip of the Chengdu Shuangliu Tianfu Huayang Road, occupies a total area of 360 hectares with a total investment of 10 billion to build up year after Chadailiang more than 3 million people. The entire project covers polar animal exhibition, polar animal performances Museum, polar Popular Science Museum, Haishou Museum, Coral Hall, the Museum of shellfish, tropical fish Archive.
It is understood that the overall project plan by the United States famous tourist real estate project planning and design firm RPVA opterate, was designed by the firm have been three Disneyland, as well as projects such as the Shenzhen OCT.
Thursday, April 10, 2008
China's most beautiful villages infected sheep behind the poverty (Grant) [Photos]

Source: ~ -1 ~ 527/715427_715427.htm
The last day of 2007, by reason of section 2008 New Year's Day, 32 days holiday. Before home has been the intention of Catcher in the Kaiyuan and local volunteers once visited, coupled with the Kaiyuan also like to see the elderly knighted by the Kaiyuan. want to say here, the main or the visit.
31, the cold weather, I felt that this was the most Kaiyuan year cold day before in the Kaiyuan through the winter has not encountered such a cool, it is estimated that it will March 4 degrees. Up early, the with the local volunteers "Wang Shuai, the Laojun" eating breakfast, rushed Wolong Valley, Mengzi and old volunteers and small convenience, small Iraq, the wind laugh fanatic and Mr Cuicui Friends gather rushed to the visit Destination - Kaiyuanfu sheep infected with the plains Street Primary School, in the case of sheep Street is a temporary local volunteers, and his entourage visited the eight people to a destination, the visit is to attend school students in the school of life in the collection, students scattered around the radius of a few primary schools in the village a few hills away from the Kaiyuan over 50 kilometers, more than 1,500 meters above sea level, the highest elevation reached a village 2,000 meters above (field measurements), a local alpine mountain , coupled with sweeping changes, the mountains and the wind is very Qigu, the Peak and trees hiding in the clouds, even though a lot of wear, plus a scarf, but that still Cigu cold. Yi to local residents mainly Miao minority, the main planting corn, pumpkins, such as pea. Rations mainly as a rare "corn meal," mainly, a few lesser extent the family can eat white rice. The 30 students plan to visit family, but in the village, learned that the actual number of the more than planned. [Img]
First stop, the village committee Coriaria Kaiyuanfu black sheep infected with the small Village. And the current visit is the first stop for a car can be directly opened Daocunkou, through the village, then took five minutes, we can see that the students first visited Zhaizi, looming in the clouds, when I entered the home , I have some fail, and livestock must be why people living in one, I said in a live, I mean, in the bed next to cattle or horse, depend on each other in and listen to the villagers said that in order to prevent small thieves, I think this is only one of them, because in addition to this room, no more people there are two or more than two rooms. Housing is dilapidated, is that the Jiawa hold soil in the form of parents tell me, because separation of the elderly and the maintenance of the reason children go to school, the lack of repair, broken only by the two wooden beam from the head. Dark and filled with smoke and Guaimei is a general feeling that the dark because of poor light, smoke is heating requirements, Huotang generated by combustion, and because Guaimei live animals.
Second leg of the village committee Coriaria Kaiyuanfu infected sheep, horse and the village. Black visited the End, a second village visited, the only village car parked by the roadside, to walk, climb up a steep slope before the arrival of the foot, is more than 1,500 meters above sea level, to the village, has been altitude is 1,910 meters. Podou, difficult road away very quickly so that physical exertion, shortness of breath, chest tightness, seems to have exposed skin do not belong to them, eat the chocolate carry before feeling some better. For the sense of time, the input to the tension which visited. And on the village of a similar situation, there is a universal, general economic Yiqianqiba income to 3,000 yuan, the same housing, the living conditions of the same, the same people are sad and unimaginable.
Third leg of the village committee Kaiyuanfu sheep infected Coriaria Pa Tan Village ................ .......... sad and heavy heart
Fourth leg, Kaiyuanfu sheep infected Coriaria squandering of the village committee of the village ................ .......... or sad and heavy heart
Fifth stop by the wind and laugh fanatic Majiaochang visited together in this to thank him for that, because he duo responsible for the 10 students interviewed. Not be able to write it, for only put ourselves in the sense that there can be that kind of psychological impact and awesome feeling. Heard most of the parents told me that the economic income families and a variety of family difficulties reasons, the largest is the same as that of dilapidated housing and in the chill of winter clothes worn and wearing "a pair of sandals."
China's most beautiful villages infected sheep behind the poverty (Grant) [many photo]

China's most beautiful villages infected sheep behind the poverty (Grant)
[Folded] 2007 ----- my video memory Kaiyuan sheep infected with the plains Street primary school students home visits Record
Source: ~ -1 ~ 527/715427_715427.htm
The last day of 2007, by reason of section 2008 New Year's Day, 32 days holiday. Before home has been the intention of Catcher in the Kaiyuan and local volunteers once visited, coupled with the Kaiyuan also like to see the elderly knighted by the Kaiyuan. want to say here, the main or the visit.
31, the cold weather, I felt that this was the most Kaiyuan year cold day before in the Kaiyuan through the winter has not encountered such a cool, it is estimated that it will March 4 degrees. Up early, the with the local volunteers "Wang Shuai, the Laojun" eating breakfast, rushed Wolong Valley, Mengzi and old volunteers and small convenience, small Iraq, the wind laugh fanatic and Mr Cuicui Friends gather rushed to the visit Destination - Kaiyuanfu sheep infected with the plains Street Primary School, in the case of sheep Street is a temporary local volunteers, and his entourage visited the eight people to a destination, the visit is to attend school students in the school of life in the collection, students scattered around the radius of a few primary schools in the village a few hills away from the Kaiyuan over 50 kilometers, more than 1,500 meters above sea level, the highest elevation reached a village 2,000 meters above (field measurements), a local alpine mountain , coupled with sweeping changes, the mountains and the wind is very Qigu, the Peak and trees hiding in the clouds, even though a lot of wear, plus a scarf, but that still Cigu cold. Yi to local residents mainly Miao minority, the main planting corn, pumpkins, such as pea. Rations mainly as a rare "corn meal," mainly, a few lesser extent the family can eat white rice. The 30 students plan to visit family, but in the village, learned that the actual number of the more than planned. [Img]
First stop, the village committee Coriaria Kaiyuanfu black sheep infected with the small Village. And the current visit is the first stop for a car can be directly opened Daocunkou, through the village, then took five minutes, we can see that the students first visited Zhaizi, looming in the clouds, when I entered the home , I have some fail, and livestock must be why people living in one, I said in a live, I mean, in the bed next to cattle or horse, depend on each other in and listen to the villagers said that in order to prevent small thieves, I think this is only one of them, because in addition to this room, no more people there are two or more than two rooms. Housing is dilapidated, is that the Jiawa hold soil in the form of parents tell me, because separation of the elderly and the maintenance of the reason children go to school, the lack of repair, broken only by the two wooden beam from the head. Dark and filled with smoke and Guaimei is a general feeling that the dark because of poor light, smoke is heating requirements, Huotang generated by combustion, and because Guaimei live animals.
Second leg of the village committee Coriaria Kaiyuanfu infected sheep, horse and the village. Black visited the End, a second village visited, the only village car parked by the roadside, to walk, climb up a steep slope before the arrival of the foot, is more than 1,500 meters above sea level, to the village, has been altitude is 1,910 meters. Podou, difficult road away very quickly so that physical exertion, shortness of breath, chest tightness, seems to have exposed skin do not belong to them, eat the chocolate carry before feeling some better. For the sense of time, the input to the tension which visited. And on the village of a similar situation, there is a universal, general economic Yiqianqiba income to 3,000 yuan, the same housing, the living conditions of the same, the same people are sad and unimaginable.
Third leg of the village committee Kaiyuanfu sheep infected Coriaria Pa Tan Village ................ .......... sad and heavy heart
Fourth leg, Kaiyuanfu sheep infected Coriaria squandering of the village committee of the village ................ .......... or sad and heavy heart
Fifth stop by the wind and laugh fanatic Majiaochang visited together in this to thank him for that, because he duo responsible for the 10 students interviewed. Not be able to write it, for only put ourselves in the sense that there can be that kind of psychological impact and awesome feeling. Heard most of the parents told me that the economic income families and a variety of family difficulties reasons, the largest is the same as that of dilapidated housing and in the chill of winter clothes worn and wearing "a pair of sandals."