Tuesday, March 05, 2013

你还在吃肉吗?Why Vegetarian food

你还在吃肉吗?Why Vegetarian food 听说怀孕的母牛被杀前都会这样,不知道是真是假 1980年福建省福安市(原为县)赛岐镇某乡村被救后的水牛,向僧人下跪 上面是中国的,下面是外国的。 斯里兰卡一位僧人在屠宰场买下几头待宰杀的牛,其中一头当场给僧人下跪感恩! I heard that pregnant cows were killed before will not know is true or false Fuan City (formerly County) race in 1980 rescued buffalo of the the Qi Zhenmou countryside to the monks kneel Above, the following foreign. A monk in Sri Lanka bought a few head of cattle to be slaughtered at the slaughterhouse, which is a spot to the monks kneel Thanksgiving!

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