Thursday, May 20, 2010

What is the most regret in life

What is the most regret in life









There is a national magazine had people over the age of 60 had such a survey: What are you most regret? List of 10 people regret things in life is easy for respondents to choose.
Personnel in the relevant statistical questionnaires returned after the results obtained so:

First: 75% of young people to regret not enough, lead to nothing.
The so-called word spoken is past recalling, youthful good times always goes so fast. In the young years, they often encounter the temptation of so many traps and even, when you suddenly wake up, perhaps Huafa Early, only to find that he was nothing.
Most people follow a herd of life, attitude, learn from others he has also learned, he work at it, others that he has fun entertainment, nature, other people get what he can not get more. To get what others can not, you need to pay people not willing to pay, especially when you're young. So, taking advantage of you still have time, have the energy and strength to our efforts, quickly develop a practical plan it, then start dauntlessly line with this plan step by step forward, you will eventually succeed.

Second: 70% of people regret at the wrong time when the young professional.
Three students were also assigned to a particular organ, a year later, one of the managers as unwilling to see his face all day live and switched to another company, went to the other two do not be tempted, still secure in the nine-lived five days. After another year, another student decided to quit the sea, leaving the still not tempted, looking at his two students in factories and commercial sea fight, he even pride in their own security.
Several years later, the three together, the students who go to the company always already become a factory manager, who became a multimillionaire the sea, but who remain in the body but still the sound of the killing led scold with their running out of "good times."
Many people consider when choosing jobs first factor is the stability of income and secure a comfortable life, but not willing to face those challenging opportunities. No pressure, naturally lack the power, no power, also buried potential.

Third: 62% of people regret their children's education inappropriate.
Children are a continuation of his life, the continuation of hope, many people with children can be exhausting, and endure all the pain and resentment. But the expectations for their children, hope women into Phoenix may be just the good wishes of the parents unilaterally, for children, they may just want a simple happy mortal. As a result, many parents take a mandatory, supervision, and even children with sticks, etc. to force the development of their own design line. To the end, most parents have had to face the reality was disappointed when, only a handful of so-called "successful" exception, but they are also worried about their children flies too bitter all these years, did not enjoy his childhood, youth should be happiness and sunshine.

Fourth place: 57% of people regret not cherish their partner.
Zuiguo realized that alcohol concentration, loved parties informed re. Emotional side of it, always have the time do not cherish, lose it after precious. No human ever invented the two drugs, one Wang Qingshui, second, regret it later. A young man not to cherish, appreciate and understand, until old age, regret it was too late.

Fifth: 49% of people regret not having care of your body.
"Body is the capital of revolution", this sentence will never be out of date, many people before the age of 60 with the body in exchange for all, and later at the age of 60 by all in exchange for physical health. Nothing in the world than their own health is more important, without a good body, even though some 10 million fortune, how?

The reason why we envy the young, because when I was younger regret at any time, at any time to improve, and once into old age, many things can not be changed. So, while you're young, you should study hard, doubly happy, do not let their old and feeble to go back when sigh Nothing down, nothing.

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