Friday, December 26, 2008

There are some url from about the ActiveX

There are some url from about the ActiveX:

Learn ActiveX from MSDN

I want to learn ActiveX, and these are the collection:

Designing Secure ActiveX Controls
Any Microsoft ActiveX control should be conceived and designed with security in mind.

An ActiveX control can be an extremely insecure way to provide a feature. Because it is a Component Object Model (COM) object, it can do anything the user can do from that computer. It can read from and write to the registry, and it has access to the local file system. From the moment a user downloads an ActiveX control, the control may be vulnerable to attack because any Web application on the Internet can repurpose it, that is, use the control for its own ends whether sincere or malicious. But, you can take precautions when you write a control to help avert an attack.

You have a responsibility to users to provide the most secure controls. Do not assume that your control is secure until it has gone through a rigorous security review. This article contains some guidelines you can incorporate into your security review process.

This article contains information about the following topics:

Security Considerations
How to Judge Control Security
Preventing Repurposing
Related Topics
Security Considerations

1. ActiveX 基础知识中文专题:

2. BHO 编程指南:

3. 定制浏览器向导:

4. 使用 ATL AXHost 承载 ActiveX 控件

5. The Shell Drag/Drop Helper Object

6. Using ATL 3.0 to Host the Video Control

7. HOWTO: Dynamically Add ActiveX Controls to ATL Composite Control

8. HOWTO: Control the Context Menu in an ATL HTML Control

11.WebBrowser 不可见时不触发 DocumentComplete BUG:

12.重新发布 Visual C++ ActiveX 控件


14. 升级现有的 ActiveX 控件

15.PRB: TranslateAccelerator() Not Called for ActiveX Controls

16.FIX: ActiveX Control Events Are Not Fired in ATL Dialog

17. Creating Custom Explorer Bars, Tool Bands, and Desk Bands
23 Designing Secure ActiveX Controls

24. Packaging ActiveX Controls

25.COM Objects Overviews and Tutorials

26.The Windows Internet (WinINet) application programming interface (API)


28.HOWTO: Call a Script Method from an ActiveX Script Host

29. HOWTO: Add Toolbars and Tooltips to ActiveX Controls

30.HOWTO: Draw ActiveX Controls with Child Controls in Design Time

31.HOWTO: Adding Tooltips to ATL ActiveX Controls

32. PRB: MFC ActiveX Control BLOB Props Missing While Printing in Internet Explorer

33.HOWTO: Enable ActiveX Control Event Handling on a Web Page

34.PRB: ActiveX Control Window Is Not Created Until Visible in Internet Explorer

35. HOWTO: Detect IE's STOP Button Click in ActiveX Control

36.HOWTO: Renaming an ActiveX Control After its Project Is Created

37.HOWTO: Troubleshoot ActiveX Control Crashes in Internet Explorer

38.SAMPLE: AXSH.EXE Demonstrates Implementing ActiveX Script Hosts

39.OLE 线程模型的说明和工作方式

40.The COM Programmer's Cookbook

41. 利用晚期绑定的威力编写您自己的 COM 调用传输

44. ActiveX Controls on the Internet

46. IContextMenu

MFC Library Reference
ActiveX Control Containers

An ActiveX control container is a container that fully supports ActiveX controls and can incorporate them into its own windows or dialogs. An ActiveX control is a reusable software element that you can use in many development projects. Controls allow your application's user to access databases, monitor data, and make various selections within your applications. For more information on ActiveX controls, see the article MFC ActiveX Controls.

Control containers typically take two forms in a project:

Dialogs and dialog-like windows such as form views, where an ActiveX control is used somewhere in the dialog box.

Windows in an application, where an ActiveX control is used in a toolbar, or other location in the user window.

The ActiveX control container interacts with the control via exposed methods and properties. These methods and properties, which can be accessed and modified by the control container, are accessed through a wrapper class in the ActiveX control container project. The embedded ActiveX control can also interact with the container by firing (sending) events to notify the container that an action has occurred. The control container can choose to act upon these notifications or not.

Additional articles discuss several topics, from creating an ActiveX control container project to basic implementation issues related to ActiveX control containers built with Visual C++:

Creating an MFC ActiveX Control Container

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

I find the best article from MSDN, it's good.

I find the best article from MSDN, it's good.

C# for Sharp Kids - Part 1 - Getting Started
February 2007

Are We Allowed To Have Fun Here?

I suspect I know what you’re thinking … “I want to write a program and I want to write it now! Coding is the cool part; I don’t want to read half the book before I can write my first program. In fact, this sentence is getting too long already - I want to get going!"

Truthfully, I’ve yet to meet a programmer who can resist diving in – after all, if you bought a new bike, would you sit down and read the book first? Quite likely not – you’d leap aboard, take it for a spin, fall on your face and only later discover the fact that the brakes on this model are opposite to the usual conventions.

So let’s make a deal. We’ll dive right in within this first chapter. Once you’ve installed the software, you can run some of the sample programs and, if you're feeling brave, perhaps even try modifying them.

But the code will look strange and won’t make much sense – you’ll be riding blind – and when you make a small mistake you’ll be clueless as to what’s wrong and how to fix it. It just won’t work and you won’t know why. That’s when you know it’s time to start studying the theory like a pro. Don't become discouraged when something doesn't work, and give up. When that time comes, read the rest of the book; okay?

Monday, December 15, 2008

If You Want To Be My Friend..........

Ok, my close friends know that I stress over my "friends list" and I've often referred to it as "the bane of my MyLot existance". Let me explain, I always feel like I can't keep up with the friends I have and I hate not being able to answer everyone's discussions. So I get stressed out. Because of that, I've been denying new friends request because I am afraid they will be disappointed in my inablility to respond to all their discussions. It really makes me feel badly when someone says, "my friends never respond to my discussions". I feel like a total failure. I's a personal problem. I've made a decision. For the next 2 months I will not deny any friends reguest. This is a trial period to see how I handle it. If I get a bunch of new friends saying that their friends never respond to them, I might go into a coma and have to wipe out my whole list and start over! That's a joke people...or is it? So, if you have recently requested me as a friend, then I hope you are reading this and can be patient and understand that I'm doing the best I can. You're all making me crazy! To my old and loyal friends, I love ya, I love ya, I love ya!. To the new ones, please be patient and just go with the flow!
Transdisc : I always enjoy your responses, Irish, but please don't feel obligated to respond to me. I just hope that you will enjoy yourself here!

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