Wednesday, February 25, 2009

this is the DNN module template sample

this is the DNN module template sample

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Child forms of enterprise forms problem was solved

In make forms template, select the right "child" type, not the "parent" default.

all it's ok.

DNN Module "Enterprise Forms" about the "Child Forms" problem was solved

Because this blog post

I find this answer:

Form Template Details is the main maintenance facility for creating and modifying form templates. The facility allows users with appropriate security access links to other maintenance facilities that include form security roles, state editor, workflow editor and form template state maintenance.
There are two types of form templates: Parent and child template. A parent form template is the main form such as a job application form or any other forms. A child form template is a sub form that can be attached to a state of a workflow. For example, a job application that is required to progress through several stages in an organization. For each state of the workflow you can attach a child form template or a sub form template to these states for adding additional comments of the job application....

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

How to implement "databinding Enterprise Forms"

I use the Enterprise Forms DNN Module few days. and can't find how to databinding the My own database's table or colume to form's textfield.

if you have any idea, please say it follow this post comment.

avaery for last member.
threr is a article talbe:

Saturday, February 14, 2009

.Net How to compare two versions of its size

.Net How to compare two versions of its size

Encountered this problem today, recording click.

Writing to his own is a relatively cumbersome,. Net system provides the Version category to address this issue. The use of the Model:

use System.Version:

string s1 = "001.001.002", s2 = "001.001.001";
Version v1 = new Version (s1), v2 = new Version (s2);
if (v1> v2)
MessageBox.Show ( "Yes");

Refer to MSDN:

Friday, February 13, 2009

Interpersonal relations at work affect the behavior of nine

Interpersonal relations at work affect the behavior of nine 

One, good thing not to have informed 
     Unit-fat items, bonus and so on, you know, or have a collar, quietly sitting there, like nothing like, and never to inform you that some things can receive, but never help people from clicking. Sample several times down, others will naturally have ideas, feel that you too are not gregarious, the lack of common sense and spirit of collaboration. After they have prior knowledge of, or have something from the first, it may not have told you. Under such circumstances, their relationship would not have been harmonious. 
  2, knowingly uses the pretext that I do not know 
     Colleagues go on mission, or temporary out a while, then some people just come to him, or just to phone to find him, if my colleagues did not take the time to tell you, but you know, you may wish to tell them; if you really do not know, it may wish to ask others, and then tell each other to show their enthusiasm. They know, but you have to does not know, once people know that their relationship is bound to be affected. Outsiders to find colleagues, no matter what, you must be sincere and enthusiastic, so that even if there is no practical effects, outsiders will feel that a good relationship with your colleagues. 
3, access does not inform one another 
     You have anything to go out a while, or takes time off work, although the approval of leave are the Leaders, but you best with office colleagues say. Even if you go out for half an hour temporary, but also with colleagues say hello. In this way, if the leadership or acquaintances came to see, but also allows colleagues have confessed. What if you do not want to say that out of mystery, and sometimes things just have to bear, When they can not be said, too lazy sometimes that I am afraid that the affected or their own. Inform one another is required to work together is also required to contact the feelings, it shows that some mutual respect and trust. 
  4, did not say can be said that a private matter 
     Can not Say some private affair, but some talk about a private matter and there is no harm. For example, your boyfriend or girlfriend of the work unit, education, age and character of temper, etc.; If you are married, have children, and will have a closed wife and children in the topic area. In spare time, you can talk about the way that it can enhance mutual understanding, deepen feelings. If these elements are kept confidential, never refused to negotiate with others, how can this balance of my colleagues do? No words to say the least, usually indicates the depth of feelings; have words to say the least, show that the natural alienation of interpersonal distance. Say you take the initiative with others more private, others will say to you, and sometimes can also help out each other. Say you do nothing, nothing makes people aware that how they trust you? Trust is built on mutual understanding basis. 
5, something happens to my colleagues refused to seek help 
Easily, it is true. Ask for help because the Federation of trouble for others. But everything dialectical, sometimes seek help from others to the contrary, it could indicate that someone you trust, can a harmonious relationship, deepen feelings. For example, your poor health, your colleague's wife is a doctor, you do not know, but you can go to introduce my colleagues, in order to hurry up and consultation, the attending was fine points. If you refuse to help migraine, colleagues know, but will feel that you do not trust other people. You do not want to seek other people, they will be sorry for you; you are afraid of people trouble, people would think you also save the trouble. Good interpersonal relationships is the premise of helping each other. Therefore, seek help from others, in normal circumstances it is possible. Of course, to pay attention to propriety, as far as possible not to embarrass others. 
6, refuse colleagues "snacks" 
     Colleagues a bit of fruit, melon seeds, sugar snacks to the office, rest hours to eat, you do not push, do not think embarrassed and refused. Sometimes, some of my colleagues have been a prize or commentary on what the title, everyone happy, buy him something to treat, which is normal for this, you can participate actively. Do not sit next to cold silence, do not they give you, but you turned down a show disdain an associate or non-rare air. People warm and distribution, but you always resist the cold, over time, people have reason to say that you lofty and arrogant and think you are difficult. 
  7, regular and one-person "whisper" 
    With the office has several people, you have to as much as possible for everyone to maintain a balance, neither too familiar nor too as far as possible always in the state, that is, not to them a particularly close or distant. Normally, not always and whispering the same person said, do not always go and a person. Otherwise, you might get close to two, but may be more distant. Some people also think that you engaged in small groups. If you often and the same person, "whisper," Say someone does not come in, then other people can not help but you will have people talking ill of the mind. 
8, keen to find out the Family 
    Can it be said that the people themselves will say, Can not Say Do not dig on it. Everyone has their own secret. Sometimes, people do not pay attention to the secrets of the hearts of a slip of the tongue, which, do not go find out, do not ask what really happened. Some people keen to find out everything clearly and simply want to know, want to shoot shoot arrhizus to make it clear that such a person is to underestimate the importance of being. Do you like to find out, even if not what purpose, one-third of people will avoid you. In a sense, people love to find a private matter, is immoral. 
  9, likes to take advantage of the mouth on 
     Colleagues to get along, some people always want to take advantage of in the mouth. Some people like to say that somebody's joke, review other people's cheap, though a joke, but also must refuse to suffer in their own end; Some people like to argue, right to dispute the rationale, no justification for one-third also; some people regardless of national affairs , or the daily lives of small, one see the other side has flaws, they stubbornly cling to seize, must let the other party can not be defeated; some people have been unclear on the issue of dispute, but also want to get to the bottom of indisputable; some people often take the initiative, they did not say him, he always said to people.

Monday, February 09, 2009

Political, economic, science and technology the new theory

Political, economic, science and technology the new theory 
May be able to apply the "Second life, second-sheng three, Sansheng things," then, as to, how three of the Second Health, I also do not quite understand the true meaning. Here, I is used meaning "for access to the economy, may have two ways, one being political, and the other is technology. The political, economic, science and technology constitute the basic social." 
If it is not like dealing with people, but also happy to look at the truth, to explore the nature of the hard things of people, then an early age in order to foster scientific and technological talents as a goal is appropriate. 
If it is good long handle interpersonal relationships, and likes to study people and human relations with other things, then suitable to do with politics. 
Treatment between people, to make it economic.

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