Monday, January 28, 2008

Virtual PC and develop

Installing the WSS 3.0 Beta in a VPC after NewSID
The install seemed to run fine, and you’ve started the configuration process and you have just gotten the error: Exception: System.InvalidOperationException: This access control list is not in canonical form and therefore cannot be modified

HOWTO: Use Virtual PC's Differencing Disks to your Advantage
Must be very easy & fast to run-up a new VPC Must be space friendly for management, portability, and backup
Virtual PC - Differencing Disks
A solution to this problem was to use a feature of Virtual PC, called Differencing Disks. This allows for the creating of a base read-only image, which is called the parent, which can be shared with unlimited other virtual machines, the children.
Optimizing Development with Microsoft Virtual PC

Sunday, January 13, 2008

If U want to control world, control yourself first.

I think this is very meaningful words, remember here.
If U want to control world, control yourself first.
This is my original.

Translation several best websites testing conclusions, google is the best

Translation several best websites testing conclusions, google is the best.

When I translated this article, spent three translation tools, concluded last google the best.

The three URL in last of this article.

When I football translation of the article, google will also automatically correct names, or a team, the fans often Niandao strange name, the correct translation from speculating on google is the first article of the type of judge, and then to the corresponding latest Information stored matching special terms,……

Google this is a good use of their own advantages approach. Some can not fight a new term google on the network and information detection and analysis of the efficiency of it.

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Talk with MSN, ICQ, QQ, YAHOO, GoogleTalk, AIM / AOL, and other Internet chat tool that Now born. It's Pidgin!

Talk with MSN, ICQ, QQ, YAHOO, GoogleTalk, AIM / AOL, and other Internet chat tool that Now born. It's Pidgin!
Previously used MyIM but tencent has killed it. These days I want to talk with foreign to the Internet to practice in English life, we should use icq / Messenger / msn like, together with a number of their own, QQ, of course, with the largest peacetime is TM, QQ too Flashy but lacking substance.
This is necessary to have an integrated, software.
On the Huaahua find tellbaby not see, did not know was a cheater, or be killed by tencent. Because it has not been registered just now, the official network interface speed and not feel like normal.
Another this is also too slow, there are several URL can not be, abandoned. In fact, originally intended to try again, Until I finding pidgin, this tool was originally made for linux. (Windows version of the download here: Now the latest version is 2.3.1 version, the choice of Chinese language interface at the time of installation. Following is her official description:
What is Pidgin?Pidgin is a multi-protocol Instant Messaging client that allows you to use all of your IM accounts at once.
Pidgin can work with:
AIM Bonjour Gadu-Gadu Google Talk Groupwise ICQ IRC MSN MySpaceIM QQ SILC SIMPLE Sametime XMPP Yahoo! Zephyr Pidgin is free software. It is licensed under the GNU General Public License (GPL) version 2. This means you are free to use it and to modify it, but if you distribute your modifications you must distribute the modified source code as well.

Chinese New year is Coming

In here I explain it for you.

Chinese New year is also known as the Spring Festival. We Set off firecrackers to ring out the old year and celebrate the coming year.

Chinese children like to buy many firecrackers before the Spring Festival.

But nowaday in many cities firecrackers are not permitted out side of designated areas.

Families dine together on New Year's Eve and stay up very late for wait the New Year's coming(0:00).

Children receive red paper containing money as a gift from their elders.

It is considered bad luck to have a haircut during the Spring Festival.

People clasp their hands together and say "gong-xi" meaning "congratulationgs" during Chinese New Year.

Happy Spring Festival!
(This year's Spring Festival is coming in February seven)

Friday, January 11, 2008

to write my miscellaneous life

Study solution's writen. and hurry to make demo for customer. many, DNN, WSS wait for me to know.
many blog and website wait for me to update and manage.
so little money to expense.
but I like this life. I want to through study and stive for great live.
today, I join the exam for Deng Xiaoping Theory, and tomorrow to join the exam for College Chinese Language and Literature.

tomorrow afternoon I will study the WSS about excel and website each other operation.
import and outport data/spreadsheet.

Thursday, January 10, 2008


today I fall across WSS 3.0 reinstall problem. So find it from technet. see a question like same. I solve it done finaly.
and I post the answer to the thread. write it in my blog. want to share for more friends.

the question like this:

I tried to install sharepoint 3.0 in win 2k3 sp1 with all Req hardware.While installing the setup files are extracted properly.But when i run the configuration wizard,i encounter an error,
Failed To Start database service MSSQL$Microsoft##SSEE.Repair this product by selecting it from theAdd/RemovePrograms menu.
At this particular step the installation terminates....
I have tried by 1.Uninstalling all related programs and reinstalling
2. repairing the sharepoint package.
3.Even using regedit to remove the installation files of MSSQl .....
Guys plz provide me a solution coz i got fiddled with this installation.....Suggest me what i have to do . i even tried with command line utilities.I have successfully installed and worked in sharepoint 2.0 also.......

help me out...........................

and I answer like this:

I fail in the same problem. and I find this!E15FE96DB520E62C!136.entry

"Issue 33: Uninstalling WSUS 3.0 does not uninstall SQL Server Embedded Edition (Windows) If WSUS 3.0 is uninstalled, SQL Server 2005 Embedded Edition (Windows) will not be uninstalled. If it is necessary to uninstall SQL Server 2005 Embedded Edition (Windows), the following commands will uninstall the application:
(on 32-bit platforms)
msiexec /x {CEB5780F-1A70-44A9-850F-DE6C4F6AA8FB} callerid=ocsetup.exe
(on 64-bit platforms)
msiexec /x {BDD79957-5801-4A2D-B09E-852E7FA64D01} callerid=ocsetup.exe
However, the removal of the application may not remove the default .mdb and .ldb files, which will cause a subsequent WSUS 3.0 installation to fail. These files can be deleted from the %windir%\SYSMSI\SSEE directory. Note: SQL Server 2005 Embedded Edition (Windows) should not be uninstalled on Windows Server "Longhorn", since it is a shared instance with other roles."

so , I run "msiexec /x {CEB5780F-1A70-44A9-850F-DE6C4F6AA8FB} callerid=ocsetup.exe " in CMD windows.

and to uninstall WSS3.0

AND to uninstall WSS langpack.

while ALL about WSS has uninstalled.

I'm starting to install the WSS3.0 again.

at this time, It's all OK.

if you don't solve it.
welcome to contact me.

Wednesday, January 09, 2008

share some Chinese aphorism

The first is "A book holds a house of gold. "
It's spelling for Chinese is that "shu zhong zi you huang jing wu" .
And the mean is depend study book(knowledge) can be rich.

Today is write to here.
Continue Tomorrow.

Sunday, January 06, 2008

In fact I love earth

In particular I like programming just now.
No much time for joke and poker and so on.
Time was spent for study any that I think it's useful almost.
So, The enjoy (like joke and poker) allways far from me.
Because the long time to do programming My body isn't enough health.
But the fortunately I take execerise of Chinese kungfu and cultivate oneself according to a religious doctrine.
Of course that not all.
A little for I think it's enough.
Right is all love.

The first Post is about that a song

The first Post is about that a song I like.

Black is the colour of my true love's hair
Her lips are like some roses fair
She has the sweetest smile
and the gentlest hands
And i love the ground where on she stands
I go to the Clyde where i mourn and weep
For satisfied i never can be
I write her a letter, just a few short lines
and suffer death a thousand times

Black is the colour of my true love's hair
Her lips are like some roses fair
She has the sweetest smile
and the gentlest hands
And i love the ground where on she stands

I love my love and well she knows
I love the ground where on she goes
I wish the day it soon would come
when she and i could be as one

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